Chapter 93 { Talking It Out.. }

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Okay So I Was So Into The Situation With Tori Nem And Adding August Into The Story , I COMPLETELY FORGOT  TEYANA HAD ALAYAH ! I Apologize If I Confused Any Of You Guys . She Will Still Be In The Story . |



"Are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked August.

"Certainly, knock." He told me.

I sighed knocking on the door.


"Daddy got you princess, daddy got you." I said picking Alayah up out her crib. I shook her bottle that was in my hand.

Knock Knock!

I laid her in my arm and then put the bottle in her mouth which stopped her crying immediately. I walked downstairs. Opening the door, Teyana and some light skin dude with tattoos was on the other side.

"Awee, my baby was crying." Teyana said and took Alayah from me walking inside.

"Wassup, I'm August." The dude said holding his hand out for me to shake. I looked at his hand then back at him.

"Ion shake hands." I told him. He nodded and walked inside. I stopped him. "How you just gonna walk in my house like that?"

"Listen bro, I'm not here to -"

"Chris, leave him alone. He's with me." Teyana said. I looked at her.

"Really Teyana? You moved on that fast? Haven't even been a full day." I shook my head looking at her. She rolled her eyes and continued feeding Alayah her bottle.

"There's nothing going on between me and Teyana. Im the damn reason why we're here anyways." The dude August said.

I looked him up and down. "You? For what?"

"Look at her finger, its clean. Look at your finger, still for the ring on after she threw hers at your damn head." He said. I looked at my ring then back at him.

"What's your point? What goes on between us has nothing to do with you!" I told him taking a step closer to him. He was a bit taller than me, but that didn't scare me.

"August, I told you this wouldn't work." Teyana said. She laid Alayah in her swing and set her bottle ontop of pillow that she placed ontop of her to hold her bottle up.

"What wouldn't work? What the hell is going on here?" I asked them both. They both didn't say anything. "Teyana.." I said.

"I'm trying to get you two back together. Y'all married right? Y'all really finna get a divorce over some little ass shit man? You love her don't you?" He asked me.

"Of course I do and she knows that." I looked at Teyana. She looked away once we made eye contact.

"And you love him too, don't you? He asked Teyana. She nodded. "Use your mouth ma,"

I looked at him. Talking to her like she his daddy.


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