Chapter 83 { Scaring/Killing A Bitch.. }

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"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Devon yelled as the water splashed on Tori and Akella. They both jumped up. When they realized where they were, they looked like they seen a ghost.

"What the hell is this and how did we get here?" Akella asked.

"Don't fucking worry bout it." Devon said.

"Geno, what's going on?" Tori said.

"Had to do a little sum sum for my boys." He said and stood beside me.

"Shouldn't you be at home with your family?" Akella asked me.

"Shouldn't you be 6 feet under ground in the grave?" I asked standing in front of her. "I know what the fuck you did." I said.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

I took out my pocket knife and raised her shirt slicing her stomach. She screamed bursting into tears making Tori do the same

"SHUT UP!" Devon told Tori.

I looked at Tori then back at Akella who was crying looking up at me. "How does that feel? Huh Akella? Remember doing this to my wife?"

"P-Please don't kill me. It was her fault. She dragged me into it. Please, I'm so sorry!" She cried.

"BITCH!" Tori cursed at her.

"Damn. She just threw you under the bus." Vincent said and we all laughed.

"I'm losing a lot of blood. Please, just let me go and I won't say anything." Akella begged.

"Yea, that ain't happening. You finna be losing a lot more blood than that." Devon said. "Frank, hand me my pistol." He toms Frank.

"For what? What's going on!?! SOMEONE HELP! SOMEONE HELP U -"

"Shut up!" Devon pistol whipped Akella. She cried raising her head and blood was coming out her hair. I just stood there watching.

I then looked at Tori who looked scared as I don't know what. She looked at me then immediately looked away.

"You wanna be next?" I asked her.

"No, please." She begged.

"Mhm. Lucky you got Farrah. She's the only reason why we not killing you." I told her. "This really suppose to be about you but since Akella stupid ass wanted to join, she getting it too." I explained to them and they stayed quiet.

"And is you tell, we coming behind you." Vincent said. "So watch who you talk to to. Word will get back to us. This is just a little sum sum to scare ya ass." He explained pointing to Akella. "Pop her ass one time Dev."

Just then, Devon shot Akella in the leg.

"AHHH, OMG!" She cried.

"WHAT THE HELL!?! YOU PEOPLE ARE CRAZY!" Tori screamed looking away.

"If you look away, I'm shooting you in ya foot." I said grabbing her face making her look at Akella get Tortured. 

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