Chapter 81 { Feeling Sorry .. }

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3 Hours Later...

I sighed looking out the window and still, no answer. This is really pissing me off. Chris is out doing God knows what, and he won't tell me! He just told me he was going out and when I would try to ask where, he wouldn't answer.

Now, I'm trying to get in touch with him, and he forwarding my phone calls! I know he sees me calling and texting his phone. After trying to call again, I sent another message.

Me : " Christopher Smith, I know you see you texting and calling your phone 🙄. You damn lucky the kids have school tomorrow because if they didn't , I would be out there looking for you . You need to call me back or text me back ASAP 🤬! I just want to make sure your fine ! Call me ! 🙄"

I sent the message then sat my phone on the bed. I don't know what he's doing. He could be cheating for all i know.

When he gets home, it's not going to be pretty. In fact, he's not even sleeping with me. I locked the bedroom door then grabbed a piece of paper and pen. I wrote on the paper, " Sleep in the guest bedroom!! ". I then unlocked the door putting the paper on the bedroom door then closed it again locking it.

That'll teach his ass.


"Teyana is going to kill you man." Devon laughed at me.

"Don't you think I know that shit? I'm trying to avoid her because I know she's going to force me to tell her where I am. She doesn't want me partying! If I tell her I'm at Boobie's party, she's going to flip! She don't really mess with him like that anyways because she knows how he gets down." I explained to my brother. He nodded looking over the railing.

"Look at Geno man. Boy suffering." He said. I looked seeing Tori dancing on him. He was looking at us and then flipped us off.

"Just need her out her mind so we can easily tie her ass up." Devon said. "She fucked with the wrong family."

I started thinking about Farrah. I know she isn't mine, but the child needs her mother. When she gets older, she's going to need her mother. Boobie won't be able to fill those womanly shoes and having another woman fill those shoes won't be the same as the feeling of your real mother. Plus, she's only 4 years old. I don't think taking her mother away from her is best anymore.

"On second thought, we shouldn't kill her." I said.

Devon looked away then at his cup downing the last bit of his drink. "I knew you was going to say that shit sooner or later.." He said.

"What you mean?"

"I knew you was going to back out and change your mind Chris! Just a few hours ago, you wanted to kill her! Now you don't!?!! Remember what her and bitch did to my sister man, hell nah!" He yelled.

"Devon, She has a daughter. Farrah! If we take her away from her daughter, who will she have in her life as a mother? Nobody! You know Boobie ain't right!" I explained to him. He kept quiet. "Farrah is the only reason why I don't want to kill her ass man."

"So what now? You wanna let her ass go?" He asked me.

"No man. I want to still kidnap her and Akella. But we need to show them to not fuck with our family again. I want to scare them. You know if they found Akella yet?"

"Yea. She already tied up."' He explained and I nodded. He looked back down on the floor. "Give her about another hour. Drunk or not, we taking her."

2 Hours Later...
-{ GENO POV }-

"'Mm, daddy you smell so good. You should let me please you while your driving." Tori said rubbing my chest.

I thought about it because I do want some head but then I started thinking back to what Chris was saying about her ass.

"Wait till we get to the crib ma." I laughed. "Here, drink some of this. I need you fucked all the way up." I said handing her another drink. I was trynna get her ass as fucked up as i could on the way to the warehouse.

She's been clingy on me all night and the shit is annoying. She's aggravating as hell!

These niggas really gonna owe me for this shit.


Just Wanted A Little Update ...

What Y'all Think About Chris Not Wanting To Kill Tori Now ? 🥴

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