Chapter 86 { Viral Video.. }

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Later That Night..

"Cj, eat your food." I told Cj, looking up from my plate seeing him just sitting there. We were all at Golden Carol celebrating the win of their first round in the tournament.

Still, Christopher didn't show up. He also didn't hmu either. I know that's probably why Cj isn't talking to anyone right now. Devon knows where Chris is, but he's not telling anything.

"Cj, eat your food." I told him again.

"I'm not hungry!" He semi-yelled, getting up from the table and walked away to the exit. I stood up to follow when someone grabbed my arm. I looked over seeing Devon holding my arm back.

"I got him, sit down." He said standing up. I sat back down sighing and continued eating watching as he followed Cj our the restaurant.

"Your enjoying your food my babies?" I smiled looking at Aubrey and Cameron who was eatin their food like there was no tomorrow.

"Aubrey, do you want that?" Alex asked Aubrey.

"Alex, what did I tell you about asking for people's food. Baby this is a buffet, you can have as much as you want." Makayla told her. We all laughed.

"She can have mine." Aubrey said. I knew Aubrey was going to give her Alex her bread. Them two are close just me and Makayla are.

"Daddy, I have to use the bathroom." Alex told Vincent.

"Come on baby girl," he stood up picking her up and walked to the bathroom.

"Um..Teyana.."  Valerie said. I looked at her seeing her feeding the baby some food and looking at her phone.

"Yea?" I asked.

"You might want to see this.." She said. I frowned looking at Makayla. She handed me her phone. It was a video of girls dancing on two men.

When I really started watching the video, one of the guys started looking hella familiar.

"Wait, is this Chris?" I questioned, continuing to watch and scroll through the other videos seeing the bitches now dancing on Chris and Chris getting his neck kissed.


"That dirty ass dog." Makayla said shaking her head. I handed Valerie back her home and sighed resting my head in my hands. I was really trying to hold back a load of tears right now because I didn't want the kids seeing me cry in front of them.

This is pissing me off. I now see where and why the fuck he didn't come or call Or text because he was out being a hoe.

I'm done wit Christopher. He wants to choose that life over his own family, he can do that. I don't care anymore and I'm just going to move on.

I hated that i had to find out this way. It's now going viral, and I'm going to be looked at from everyone sideways because of what his stupid ass decided to do.

"Tey, you good?" Valerie asked me.

"Kids y'all get y'all food together, we're about to leave. EXCUSE ME, CAN I GET SOME TO GO PLATES!?!" I yelled to the nearby waiter.

"Teyana, don't leave." Makayla said. I ignored her getting up and grabbing my wallet and keys.

"Mommy, why are we leaving?" Cameron asked.

"What's going on?" Vincent said coming back to the table with Alex behind him. I ignored what any of them was saying and wiped my eyes of the few tears that escaped my eyes. "Teyana what's wrong?" He tried holding my arm back but I pushed him off, walking away.


That's all I'm going say.


"I just wanted my dad to be there today and he wasn't." Cj said. "Do you know where he is?"

I sighed thinking if I should lie Or tell the truth. "Well, I -"

"Cj lets go. Go get a to-go plate and put your food inside. We're leaving." Teyana said coming outside. Cj got up doing as she said.

"Y'all leaving? But we just got here!" I said standing up. She walked pasted me storming off to the car.

I couldn't help but watch her ass in her dress. Her shit was all natural and jiggly.

"TEYANA!" I yelled. When she got to her car, she started it up and then sat there crying. I opened her door. "What's wrong? Talk to me man." I told her.

"You didn't want to tell me where Christopher was because you knew he was cheating on me, huh? YOU KNEW EXACTLY WHERE HE WAS!"

"I didn't want to hurt you Teyana. I wanted you to -"

"TOO LATE FOR THAT!" She cried combined with a laughter. "I'm already embarrassed. I seen a video the Instagram already. I'm done with him." 

"How did you see?"

"Valerie showed me. Don't go jumping on that girl for showing me either. At least she didn't wait to say anything." She said getting out her truck and pushing past me rolling her eyes walking back into the restaurant.

I sighed shaking my head.

Good job Christopher Smith, Good job.

I don't care what Tey says. I'm going to get on Valerie's ass for showing her. Teyana was going to see it for herself eventually. It's not her damn place nor business to be shaking her. It has nothing to do wit Valerie so she should've stayed out of it.


Something told me he was doing something stupid. I just had the feeling. And now seeing what I'm seeing, I'm embarrassed and want to just say fuck it.

After buckling the kids in the truck, i headed home. I don't know where Christopher is, and so don't care where he is.

I don't even want to see him right now because I'm so close to doing something I'll probably regret.

But another part of me want him to come home so I can tell him about himself and throw my ring in his face.


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