Chapter 38 { Done.. }

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I dropped Makayla off at the shop to not only close it for the day, but so she can get back home in her car. She's just as pissed as me and were both in the same boat.

I texted Mama Tee asking her to pick the kids up from school since it was going to be around that time. Meanwhile, I went back home.

When I got there, Chris's lambo was already here. I sighed not wanting to put up with his bullshit. I sat there and cried for a few minutes.

Lord, don't make me kill this man.

I don't know who to believe right now. I just had to let my anger out on his ass because he fucked up. He know he wasn't drunk or anything. Chris knows what the fuck he did and he know the chick might be pregnant for him

* * * * *

Walking inside, Chris was on the phone in the kitchen. I closed door and he didn't hear me so I decided to stand by the stairs listening.

"Dude I don't care where they are, find them! They fucking crazy talking bout they pregnant for me and Vincent! If you fucked one of them, you need to see because you know Valerie don't need that stress bro!" He said. I knew he was talking Devin. "Man I don't know. Teyana busted my fucking lip. I need to figure this shit out fast before she leave me man. We done been through so much shit, Im not trying to lose her. She means so much to me man I can't lose her!" Devin begin talking and I heard Chris sniff. He was obviously crying.

I feel bad for him but at the same time, I'm highly pissed at him. If he really cared for me so much like he's saying He wouldn't have allowed it to happen.

"Man.. which one on your top?" Devin asked.


Devin sighed, "Fuck man! Have you and Teyana had sex ever since the tour man?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Bro .. I don't know if this is true or not but I think that bitch has AIDS.."

After hearing that, I zoned out and zoomed for the stairs. I went to our bedroom and straight to his closet. I grabbed an arm full of clothes.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" I yelled throwing them over the stair way and into the living room.

"TEYANA!" I took off to the to closet grabbing more and throwing more down. "YO, STOP! DEVIN IMA HAVE TO CALL YOU BACK. TEYANA IS ACTING FUCKING CRAZY!"

"You wanna fucking cheat on me and get another bitch pregnant? Cool.." I grabbed more clothes. Before I could walk out the closet, Chris stopped me.

"Put my shit down man, you fucking crazy?" He asked me.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I cried. "I HATE YOU! I'm done! I'm taking my kids and we're leaving!" I started swinging at his chest since it was the highest I could reach.

"Baby listen to me.."


"AH, FUCK!" He yelled holding his jaw.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" I yelled continuing to hit his back.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" He picked me up throwing me on the bed. "CHILL BRO!"

"Look me in my eyes and tell the truth. Did you fuck her?"

"Teyana, I haven't done anything. I may not remember it but I know I haven't baby. I don't want to lose what we have. I wouldn't do anything like that to hurt you. I love you." He said.

We stared into each other's eyes for a good minute or two.

Next thing you know, we were kissing and clothes were being thrown onto the floor.


"So that's it? You just gonna day fuck our relationship?" Vincent asked as we sat in our bed.

"Vincent you cheated on me with another woman! Ontop of that, she could be pregnant! You don't love me or Alex! If you did, you wouldn't have done it!"

He sighed, "Baby we just got back together, don't do this. I haven't fucked any other female, i promise baby. I wasn't drunk that night. I didn't have sex with anyone, Chris didn't fuck anyone, Devin went in the bathroom with two of them though. I promise mama." He said. "Look at me..." I looked up at him. "I love you Makayla. We just had a beautiful daughter, just got back together, why the hell would I fuck that up? I'm not like that anymore. I care too much about my family to just throw it away for a broke ass female." He said.

"So what did you do then? Why were they there?"

He shrugged, "We all just chillin and smoking. Nothing happened." He said.

I sighed looking away. I don't even know if I should believe Vincent. I love him with everything in me and really don't want our little family to break apart but I don't want to be with him if he's just going to cheat on me and get another woman pregnant.

"What do I have to do to prove to you I haven't done anything?"

"Make sure this bitch isn't pregnant for you. And, I want you to get tested because I don't want to have anything. And if I do, I'm going crazy. You know I will."

"I know babe. And you don't have to worry about us having anything because nothing happened. But, I will get tested for you." He said. I nodded. "So we good?"

"For now.." i said.

"Can I have a kiss?"He asked.

I looked at him and laughed pecking his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said. "You need to talk to Teyana tell her that Chris hasn't done anything. She busted his damn lip."

"That's good for his ass." She said.

We laid in bed all evening until later to go get Alex.

He's off the hook for now. But he better hope I don't find out nothing.


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