A Giant Thank You

2.3K 84 37

Hi guys! If you're reading this, that means: CONGRATS! You read my whole story, no matter how boring or cliche it got!

That also means: Hey! Megan finished her story ON TIME and is super sad that it's over!

In the past year, my Blood of Olympus has grown and ultimately became my most popular story, which I'm super excited about. As of now, these are the rankings:

Reads: 179k

Votes: 2.4k

Comments: 1.1k

Plus it's the third ranked Blood of Olympus story on Wattpad! That's pretty damn epic, honestly. I know I say this every time I finish a fan-fiction, but I really never expected any of this to happen.

Also, over the past, my Mark of Athena and House of Hades has continued to grow as well. Mark of Athena has over 300k reads and House of Hades has over 200k reads. That's fucking amazing, excuse my French. Plus, I have over a thousand fans! THAT'S A TON OF PEOPLE WHO DECIDED TO FAN ME AND THAT'S YOUR MISTAKE BECAUSE I'M A MAJOR LOSER.

Everything, all of this, would not have been possible without you guys. I'm so thankful that there are so many of you supporting me and the amount of love you guys have shown me in unreal.

I'm only fourteen years old, guys. I'm a freshman in high school yet the amount of support is enough to last me a lifetime! I started on Wattpad when I was going into the seventh grade and now that I'm in the ninth grade... Unbelievable. Who would've thought that a girl from a small town in California could do so much? (Answer: not me.)

I cut this story extremely close to my deadline and the fact that I actually finished on time is shocking. For a while there, I thought I wasn't going to make the deadline and that made me panic. But I pushed aside homework and just time to rest to finish this. No, I don't regret it because you guys gave me so much feedback that it was incredible.

Even though I should be so happy that I finished this story, I'm also incredibly sad. With the arrival of the real Blood of Olympus, our beloved Heroes of Olympus series is coming to an end. I've spent years of my time reading and loving these books and now that it's ending... I'm sad. All of my favorite series have ended: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Divergent, Hunger Games... What else is there for me to do? (The answer is I just got my hands on the first book in the Mortal Instruments series plus James Patterson is releasing another book in the Maximum Ride series but SHH.)

Since I'm now done with my story, here are a few of MY predictions for the real Blood of Olympus:

- Jason has to make a final decision about his Roman and Greek side.

- We find out a ton about Reyna because she finally gets her own POV.

- Trouble with Percy and Annabeth that relates to their time in Tartarus.

- Amazing battle scenes.

- A big scene regarding Jason, Piper, and Leo.

- Somehow Jason does something to end the war.

- If anyone has to die, I think it'll be Jason, Leo, or Nico.

And no, I don't think Reyna will die. That was just in my story, people.

Now that I got my predictions out of the way, here comes my mushy part.

You guys are awesome, the best people I could have supporting me. These past few years have been epic and you're all so badass.

Question is, what am I going to do now? My answer is that I don't have a fucking clue what's coming up for me. I'll continue writing in Crazier and Odds and Ends but that's all I have in mind. So far, there's nothing I want to pursue on this website and I'm okay with that. High school is currently taking control of my life and I realize why so many people went inactive because of it. Sometimes I consider just leaving this place but I know how unfair and cruel that would be to you guys.

Just know, if I didn't have people supporting me like you guys do, I would've been gone long ago.

So I think that's it. I think you're done hearing my annoying rants and my annoying endless thank you's.

The only question you should have for me is what's coming next. Well, so far, nothing, but I'll keep you posted if I have any more tricks up my sleeves.

Love ya guys, thanks for everything. x

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