Vengeance Gone Wrong

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Dark Spyro held himself down onto the castle chamber grounds, as though he was enjoying life greatly. It seemed like nothing could spoil his day. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Other then a rubbish sandwich, of course. Man, if only he had Food Fight here so he could get some more flavour on his current disgusting crust.

In the end, Dark Spyro threw his sandwich off the island, causing a dismayed sheep to make it's BAHHH sound loudly. DS swore he saw a rock collide and eventually fall into the cloudy mist that was nothing compared to the dark purple, brooding castle he was in himself. Maybe a little photo of him and the Skylanders would be fun peace. His phone rang suddenly, a new text appearing.

Sabine: Ok, so.......I'm going on a misson with the your old friends for something. Can't talk for long, but I'm skimming Jet Vac's plan and he'll be yelling at me really quick if he sees me not listening, but then again, WHO WOULD? So, questions?

Dark Spyro forced himself to not chuckle as he typed as fast as his claws could go before sighing since it was slow as he used his powers to send it himself.

DS: Where ya heading?

Sabine: Atlantis City. Apparently your counterpart wants us to go there because there's a 'key' or whateves that can help him find his ancestors. I thought it would still be over.

DS: Ancestors? Odd.

Sabine: Gotta go now, cya! Probably going to get yelled at by Jet Vac (please give him a shock for me.)

Knowing the last  it was a joke, he put his Skyphone back before examining the clouds. For what some reason they appeared way more darker and evil like then last time Dark Spyro had bothered to look at them. He felt as though red eyes........

Red eyes. It was either Kaos or Strykore.

And he wasn't going down without a fight.

Dark Spyro quickly flew out the portrait that he had once used when first knowing the plan of Arkus, and was revealed to a dark area, the grass under him damp and horrible to stare at. No sheep (or anyone), was injured, but the plants were drooping as though they could never carry on with their lives again. He looked down, a flower slowly losing it's daisy scent and colour, before turning to ashes.

"Drafted! Of course it's you." A whiny voice said behind a dagger shaped rock before revealing themselves. A black cloak slithered across the floor, white big head being the size of the cloud that acted as hair above him.

"Kaos? Man, you went harsh with this." Dark Spyro pointed to the weak grass, as it turned into ashes under him.

"I learned from a certain Broccoli Guy. Siphon grass to get elements. But for me, it's rather upgraded." Kaos smiled a rather nasty grin, and gave Spyro the feeling of goosebumps on his spine.

"So, you were experimented on, huh? Doom Raider wannabes, I heard? Thought you'd be way better then that, Spyronius.  The Strykore servant can't even stand a can tied onto his tail. Yeah, I heard."

"Shut up, grumpy egg-head. I won't hesitate to hurt you if I have to." Spyro quickly hopped into the air as the ground turned into dust under him, making an empty hole into the small island, and Kaos lowered his hand, obviously being the one who caused it.

"Shoot, thought you'd get in." He sneered.

"What got you into doing THIS, anyway? Way too........evil for a small midget like you."

"You stole my spotlight! I've been used my whole time, Glumshanks sided with the Skylanders over me, STRYKORE IS MY FLIPPIN UNCLE, EON IS MY FATHER! I think I have a reason to do this!

"I  need revenge. I have an army, thanks to my brilliant genius, I have now a real chance to take over Skylands for myself! No annoying mothers who have lied to you all these years. No annoying fathers who seem to have no mercy putting me into prison. SKYLANDS WILL FOREVER BE MINEEEE!" Kaos began to chuckle as his smile widened with large teeth. "Army, get rid of the dragon for me."

As quick as lightning, a dark coloured Snap Shot tackled Spyro, and Spyro used his powers to trap him in the bubble. Snap Shot escaped easily, as Kaos chortled like a mad man behind him loudly enough to burst Spyro's ears (if he had any.) Snap Shot's arrows flew into his direction, and Spyro hovered across the ground just in time to take flight, his wings stirring and flapping to the spooky breeze guiding him.

Suddenly, Snap Shot's arrow hit DS in the wing, and he flew with a thump onto the island, and a million dark smoky coloured mabu rushed down and held Spyro in every part of his body, except for his mouth, and the hands over his eyes, DS only saw darkness.

"See darkness? That's what will happen to this place when I take over this realm!" Kaos chuckled with his red eyes shrouded in glee as Spyro turned his mouth into a snarl, growling under his breath, muttering rude words.

"Wash your mouth, idiot!" Kaos sniggered as the electricity from Spyro's horns went into Kaos' hands, as though gaining his power. DS's horns turned to flames, and one mabu screamed in pain as his hand was shrouded in flames.

"Sorry!" Spyro apologised as he quickly pretended to arch his tail into the mabu's  heart, and they ran away quickly, and Kaos screamed in rage as he flew off with Snap Shot right behind him, moving in union with the mabu.

"Great. He's got Snap Shot under his control. Perfect. And some mabu." Dark Spyro sneered coldly as he grabbed his Sky-Phone quickly and zapped it, as it typed by itself.


DS: Hey, Sabine. Kaos' back, got Snap Shot and innocent people under his control. Thought you'd know.

As he sent a short message, he sat down into the island grass, the tail hovering into the sky under him. Skylands was in danger.

Not maybe from Kaos, but also Strykore, considering no screams of rage came form Kaossandra's chamber.

His eyes curled into a glare as he layed down on the grass, as he began looking up to the clouds, which now had dramatically changed back to their innocent, shapes of cumulus's and circuses.

He didn't notice another set of red eyes behind him, as scaly arms from a black and red appearing behind him began to reach towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2019 ⏰

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