A Can Of Places To Hide

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Dark Spyro soared through a mountain, a house full of Mabu and made a hole in a snowy mountain. When he finally stopped, he opened his eyes to see a ginormous area of trash around him.

"Is this what I get for helping Strykore?" Spyro muttered, his dark scales looking nothing like the piles of plastic and wires around him. The dark dragon got up of his feet and saw that was where people threw their trash. He even saw a few fossils from a dumb archaeologist who probably didn't even know what to do with bones.  

"Man, those Skylanders need to think before they do. In that race, I was NOT going to hurt them! Strykore's dumb spell turned me evil again...." HE rolled his eyes in disgust about the things that happened. He got caught, tied up in his own bed, drunk a potion, had a fight with his counterpart AND had been blasting in the sky for days. Dark Spyro was STILL being dizzy after all those other things he went through, like, him interrupting a fishing trip. They weren't happy.

The dark dragon looked up and saw a crane. That wasn't there a second ago. I guess it was some fool trying to pick up trash. Did he really think that dark scales were trash and garbage? Yes, yes he did. The crane picked up Spyro, with the driver looking intrigued at what he found. Quickly, Spyro used his powers over technology to stop the crane.

"What just happened?" The driver said to the sky, scratching his head. Knowing his time to escape, Dark Spyro flew off the island.

"That was close. But, I need a hiding spot. If those Skylanders see me, I would most likely be toast. Hmm...the Falling Forest is fun, but too many crimes happen there. What's some place that has no areas of crime....?" Suddenly, the light bolt in Spyro's mind turned on. A place that doesn't have crimes all around the place, but an area that makes the crimes would be somewhere the Skylanders would never find him. 

Spyro flew over the islands. He grinned at the happy faces of villagers that had been kept safe by the heroes of Skylands. Spyro wondered if the Skylanders would ever make them one of their own. Probably not.

Suddenly, Spyro's tail got trapped by a can that originally had baked beans in it. Just great. He looked down and saw someone pull him down the ground. He had blue hair and a brown hat with goggles perched upon it. His green skin suited the red jacket and blue shirt he had on. Weirdly enough, he had no legs. He looked like a spider with wooden legs. The guy laughed like a maniac as he finally pulled the dragon to the ground.

"HAHA! I FINALLY CAUGHT A SKYLANDER! NOW I'LL BE INVITED TO THE DOOM RAIDERS!"  Dr Krankcase shrieked happily, inspecting the dragon. He grabbed a rope and tied it around the can and a weird nail in the island, which made Spyro stuck to the island.

"Dude, get your facts right. I'm not a Skylander. Well, I used to be, but I got turned evil by Strykore, so, ya know." Spyro replied coolly, glaring at the scientist at the same time. Why did he not use his powers? Simple. He saw a rabid squirrel try to attack a weird blue slug. His thoughts were interrupted when Krankcase called out, "GULPER! GET BACK HERE!'

Just as the words slipped out of his mouth, the weird blue slug dropped down from the sky. He looked sad, and he looked hungry. The Gulper looked down at his stomach and said sadly, "Me want soda...."

"Really, buddy? I told ya, you would have soda again when the Doom Raiders accept us in. You know how many times you destroyed my factory, right?"

"242.....me know. BUT ME WANT SODAAAA!" He grabbed a trident, accidentally hitting the end in Spyro's eye. "Knock it off, will ya?" The dark dragon glared at Gulper.

"Cmon, let's go, slow slug." Krankcase rolled his eyes, but his expression changed as soon as Gulper was trying to pull the can off Spyro's tail. "THERE'S NO SODA IN THERE! YA WANNA BE IN THE DOOM RAIDERS OR NOT?!??!"

Nodding, Gulper dragged Spyro's can on his tail to the complete opposite direction he was going. "So much trying to look for a place to live...." He muttered, wishing he was back at the Academy in his warm, cozy bed with his friends laughing. But now that he had been revealed, and they had the original Spyro back, it wasn't going to be easy.

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