A Little Sigh Can Fix It All

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Screech had sat down on her bed, the feathery tail ruffling hurriedly, smacking the covers of her quilt that hadn't been cleaned very well, Screech hadn't bothered. Groaning, Screech put her covers back to normal before starting to inspect her room, watching for any problems with the shelf falling apart and the figures having uneven spaces.

Screech's room was in the basement, under the ground because the bird had admitted she enjoys feeling the ground and dirt under her apricot. In fact, Screech had lied so she wouldn't have that much company, as Cassie, the most cheerful (and annoying, Sabine would add) in the house, despising germs with a large passion. So, Screech had decided to make the area a bit comfortable. Expanding the room a bit more, Screech had been able to add a lot more carpet covered with scars due to the long legs Screech had, covered with a sweet, sky aesthetic with milky pearl clouds flowing through the little scars, reminding Screech of the flying she had to suffer during her past. The dirt walls were incased, covered with blue gel horribly, it starting to crack at a couple certain barky points. On the right side was a simple bookcase, birch with a couple of books that had facts, unlike Screech's friend, who preferred fantasy and made up stories.

Screech then looked away from the left corner, knowing the thing there tore her apart as though the bird was paper, a savage classmate beginning to rip it to make pieces for entertainment or board game customizations. Avoiding it was hard, as Screech had been stupid enough to fly to her old home as though she wanted to feel heartbreak everyday. Vulnerable to it, she hadn't had the best streak of crying at least a day. Not talking because even a whisper could make people ring and phones glitch, Screech hadn't been well, controlling her fellow new cadet friend. Ever since breaking part of the Skylander Games arena to show Screech's capability, she had still felt so embarrassed at Camo's response. Ever time Screech went, it was continuous failure.

Screech groaned again as she heard large thumps come down to her room. Eliora's enthusiastic voice was loud and clear, something Screech would do, but couldn't. Her voice was full of positivity, and somehow a great pity.

"Mickey, Sabine and Cassie are on a mission. We have the whole house to ourselves! Wanna go out to La Circle or Yum Yum Fun Burger?" Eliora yelled with a sincere happiness, a little lump going through Screech's throat.

"No thanks." Screech had muttered, but Eliora heard. It's pretty life saving for me her kind has some good sharp hearing.

"Come on! It's the perfect time to go out and have some fun! Jet Vac's gone, no classes for the day! We can do something together, like good friends!"

"I have Jet Vac's assignments to do." Screech lied, trying her best to put a convincing tone on. A lie again, Screech had finished the other day and threw it in the homework box Jet Vac had added inside his classroom due to popular request.

"Well then, we can do it together!" Eliora smiled (Screech knew she was, despite not being able to see her), a beaming voice coming from the mouth from upstairs.

Damn it, I'm a snuggles idiotic brain. Screech moaned into her mind. She could know. Screech didn't want that, as Eliora was known for the past few days for finding secrets simply because some apple juice had gotten her so upbeat she had passed out, the next minute she almost was in people's necks. Literally.

"Come on, Screech! My room!" Screech heard her friend skip away, and followed with hesitation.

The room right next to Cassie's on the second floor was Eliora's, a large peachy WELCOME! sign, eye scorching against the pastel blue door, something Cassie loved to criticise about 'disturbing the mind' as the Spyro fanatic commonly walked past it. Entering the door lead to a sweet bed, white glittery marble like wood holding the soft pastel yellow pillow that cascaded onto the sweet, white and mint green covers covered with nice flowers. In the right corner, was a large teddy bear, when hugged to say lovely words like 'I love you!' and 'You're my family.' Something that constantly triggered Screech as she entered at times, a family photograph at the top that Screech never bothered to look at, poor jealousy at the kind family Eliora had earned. A modern computer was in the other corner, with what appeared to be a newly fixed mouse (Screech could only guess Sabine had fixed it for her, the tech genius of the house), a sweet floral pattern, lavender and baby pink zig zags that shined over the blinding fan with the eye scorching light bulb.

Screech closed her eyes as she entered, afraid to get eye blinded with all the colours. As she settled to the daytime like room, Eliora, noticing her dishonor for the appearance of it, closed the curtains quickly, which the large sun had its rays bellowing over them. Eliora sat down with a thump, motioning for Screech to sit with her unchipped fingernails, Screech sitting, expecting a little ear rape with Eliora's pleasing loud voice.

"I know."

"What?" Screech was taken aback. Not only was that not the answer she had in mind, but for once, Eliora's voice had a stern and 'You will sit here and not get up' expression on her face, something completely out of character for Ellie.

"You've been lying. And I understand why." Eliora suddenly said softly, as though she hadn't been such strict-like five seconds ago. "I can sense you've been lying, I mean, my light detecting powers can sense lies at times." Grinning at Screech with a soft gesture, she continued, "You at least have a good reason, it seems. I'm not going in your mind, don't you worry! It's just......you've constantly been avoiding us."

"I know." Screech muttered, feeling stupid with an idiot for a brain. Eliora's eyes started to pop out of her sockets, then back in. There it goes again, me being too stupid and making someone feel bad despite being super quiet in my tone.

"I'm good, I'm good!" Eliora panted, as her eyes began to gesture to the blank white milk colour, her  hardly noticeable pupils reaching into Screech's direction, a sincere smile curling up, but Screech knew she had bit her tongue. But, in what? Frustration? Pity for her? All Screech knew of her was positivity, and that clearly had been cancelled out of her mind because of that simple, cold voice. Still, Screech could not imagine Eliora ever being negative, other then her desire to take everything literally. That had been the clear reason why Screech had reminded the house to never use metaphors, in case Eliora found it insulting and burst into tears right on the spot.

"Look, I feel as though you need to calm! My kind loves to include sighs as a medical treatment, constantly working. Sighing is a way to let go of the stress, my fam- KIND has noticed throughout our years of family dedication." Eliora smiled.

"Now, I want you to cancel out everything! Try to think of releasing all the negativity, MAN I SOUND LIKE HUGO IN ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASS! Ahem! Yeah, try that." Eliora's sudden outburst (or insult) about Hugo made Screech smile slightly, her legs twitching as Eliora plucked a feather of Screech's tail. That was horrible agony, as Screech had fell off the bed, bleeding slightly. Between her quiet yelps, she had sighed due to her problems.

Suddenly, Screech felt something smooth starting from the back. It began to sooth her, as her legs had stopped twitching, and the tail feather had been put back in without Eliora's hand rustling into Screech's areas, and sighed again of relief.

"You better, Screech?" Eliora asked, with the same soothing voice that had flown through Screech's back.

"Better." The bird smiled, her tongue grinning as she quickly flicked it into her mouth. "Now, maybe some Yum, Yum Fun Burger?"

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