The Life of Prison

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. Kaos was impatiently tapping his foot on the cell floor repeatedly. "Please sir, can you stop tapping? I'm trying to make a bracelet out of rocks to represent my quilt of still siding with you."

"What was that, Glumshanks?!" Kaos yelled loudly to his troll servant. "I'm trying to devise a grand escape plan so I can get revenge on mother and new father for lying to me for all these years."

"Well, I for one agree that we would escape if the Tiny Tyrant wasn't next to us." Dreamcatcher taunted, with the others laughing maniacally. Kaos rolled his eyes at the Doom Raiders, wishing he wasn't right next to them.

"Alright, Chompy Puppet, bite open this cell door! It's no match for you, my strong little friend!" Chompy Mage exclaimed to his hand and made it like he was biting the door.

"That hand of yours is as disgusting as a cup of water dribbled in worm wee." said Pepper Jack. "My aunt always told me, 'you can live a life in prison, and then rip their guts out!'"

"Sheesh, your aunt was a psycho." muttered Wolfgang, playing his bone harp silently.

"CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!??!!?" Glumshanks yelled sadly, staring at the Doom Raiders with his puppy dog eyes. Man, were they terrible.

Just then, the cell guards opened the doors. "Lunch time!" All the cell mates muttered and slowly trudged to the stairs. Just then, one mabu criminal dropped a little mist on his hands, and the next second, his hands were growing blue, larger and covered with giant painful claws.

"Yess.....yesss! I have the perfect idea!" Kaos yelled up to the roof, and then trudged away to have his lunch.

Spyro and Eon were in their beds until the shrieks of little kids woke them up from their hotel. "What's happening?" The dragon asked. Quickly, he flew out of his room to check it out.

Inside, he couldn't believe what he saw. People trapped in weird bubbles. Their waterpark destroyed. The parents floating up in the air. "Who could've done this!?!" Spyro gasped.

"I'm not sure, but I think it might be the work of Strykore." Eon stared at the sights that tormented the children. Spyro flew up in the air and grabbed the parents. Eon used his spirit magic to free to the children.

"THIS MAY NOT BE YOUR BEST CHOICE, BUT FIND ANOTHER HOME OR HOTEL! THIS PLACE IS NOT SAFE FOR YOU!" Eon called out, noticing the actual building behind them crumble. Quickly, all the go getters ran, until they were nowhere to be seen.

"That was close." The two jinxed at the same time. "I think we need to travel more closely to your realm where your ancestors live now." Eon finally said after a few minutes of silence.

"I agree." Spyro well, agreed. Then, the two used the portal to head to their next location.

Sabine couldn't concentrate in her class. Those gears coming out of her seemed to be very powerful. She couldn't even remember what personification was in English, and everyone knows that. It was just that dream was distracting her. While Mikey and Cassie were as fast as lightning, Sabine was a snail, writing very slow and smudging her page.

When it was time for lunch, Mikey, Sabine and Cassie sat the same table. "I can't believe it. You, gear powers? Nearly destroying the Skylanders cause you got angry? You're like Sprocket and Eruptor combined together."

"Mhghg mghghg mhfgf," mumbled Mikey, nearly unhearable with his head stuffed into his lunchbox.

"Hang on, where are the Skylanders?" Cassie asked her friends.

"Who cares? They called us weak and said I was brainwashed by Dark Spyro." Sabine answered, annoyed. She grabbed Mikey's lunchbox and put it away from his head. "Can you speak properly? Your mum will be really mad. Plus, it's not polite to talk like that."

"Sorry, I'll stop."

"Phew! Well, did you know that there's a conspiracy that some president tried to cheat?" After those words, she gasped. "I just said that! I never knew that until now! How would I even get that info!" Said Cassie.

Sabine stared at her friend in horror. Suddenly, Cassie's lunch was floating in the air and was about to hit the ground. Then, suddenly a cushion appeared right before the lunch hit. The colour was cycling through the rainbow, you could just see through the neon bright pillow.

Sabine just stared at Mikey. She kept turning her head at her friends like a meerkat until she said, "You know what? I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! YOU HAVE POWERS!!!!"

"WHAT!?!?" exclaimed both Cassie and Mikey.

"Look, each of your powers matches your personality. For starters, Cassie, you have super smarts cause you KNOW a lot. Mikey can create stuff out of thin air because he can create literally anything. And I'm pretty sure I have tech powers because I am a great hacker. And.....Dark Spyro told me last night."

"WHAT??!!??" exclaimed both Cassie and Mikey again.

"I didn't want to scare you, so I didn't tell you. You understand right? And, Mikey, please don't freak out."

"When did you figure this out? Just now?" asked Mikey

"Well, Dark Spyro told me last night. Since he wasn't lying about other stuff, I believed him on this one. Then, we could see the Skylanders and touch them when the others couldn't. THEN you acted like you had powers matching your personalities, so.....yeah."

"I can't believe it.....WE CAN GO TO SKYLANDS AND BE HEROES!" Cassie yelled excitedly.

"Are you sure? After they insulted my friends, I'm not sure, but I'll go if you go. Are you in, Mikey?"

"Uhhhhh, should I watch Season 3 first? If not then I'm in!"

Cassie stared at him. "You don't have to. So that we're going to join the academy, let's meet after school and pack our bags, ok?"

"I'm in! My parents are going to see a movie, so....ready?" Sabine said.

"Ready!" They all shouted.

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