The Transformation that Changes You

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"Uhhh....what's going on?" Cassie said to the shadow emerging into shape. When it finally appeared, it looked ugly, but dangerous. It's claws were sharp like a knife. The blue skin came and multiple eyes were around its entire body.

"That is disgusting." Sabine stared, grossed out. She looked at Mickey. "Please don't run away, Mickey."


The two girls stared at him. They then stared at the Skylanders, fighting. Every time the heroes hit the monster, another monster appeared right behind them. Soon they were about one hundred monsters. The Skylanders were knocked out.

"We have to transform!" The humans said at once. After a few seconds, they had a new outfit. "I look good! Cassie twirled.

"No time for staring at these really detailed outfits!" Sabine ordered. "We need to destroy that.......multiple eyes blue monster thing."

The Skylanders looked shocked. Jaw dropped. "Wait, they have powers!?!?!?!?!? ALL OF THEM!?!?!?" Eruptor cried out.

"Looks like they might be one of us." Jet Vac said, obviously shocked.

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO FIGHT THESE THINGS!??!?" Stealth Elf called out.

"Uhhh....probably not. We might be noobs, but whatever!" Sabine yelled over the commotion.


"This is too hard to swallow." Pop exclaimed, confused. During this he literally swallowed a potion.

"What in the world are these things!?" said Mickey.

"Things are not real. Well, they are real, but things are like chairs and stuff. THESE ARE MONSTERS, NOT THINGS!" Cassie yelled. She used her mind powers to lift the biggest monster and kept smacking him on the ground endlessly. Sabine grabbed a wire from nowhere and smacked the enemies with it.

"Hmm.....I'll call this the Wire Whip! I'm proud of myself."

A glowing cage faded into existence around a monster. As Mickey conjured it, pulsing orbs of the same colour surrounded his hands. He seemed to be concentrating very hard.

"This fight is very....intriguing." Kaossandra pointed out, looking around at the three like a meerkat. The others just kept laying on the floor until they got up again. But, by then, all the monsters were gone.

"THAT WAS SO EASY!" Sabine shouted, proud of herself. Cassie and Mickey just stared at her.

"That was interesting." Eruptor said. The other Skylanders nodded. "Hey, Sabine. I'm really sorry for what for what I said. Are we cool?"

"We're cool."Sabine agreed, forgiving the rock.

"You know what, we could use some more cadets. Do you want to join the Skylanders?"

"I'd love too!" Sabine said in awe. You in, Cassie and Mikey?"

"Of course!" Cassie agreed. "What about you, Mickey?

"Uhhhhh, I'm not sure..." said Mickey, cleary very scared.

"If we pass the test, we become a cadet. When we are cadets, we study. Pass the Skylander games, you are a Skylander. That's when you get to battle. By then, you would be brave enough to fight enemies." Stealth Elf reminded the scared Mickey.

"PLEASSEEEEEEEEE!" begged Cassie and Sabine.

"Ok, fine it's just..."

"-YAY LET'S GO!" yelled Sabine.

"But I wonder where those monsters came from......" Jet Vac wondered.

Kaos was gleefully laughing at the monstrosity he created at Cloudcracker. Dark purple mist was soon spreading all around the prison, until he stopped it with his magic.

"Why did you stop, master?" a voice called. He was a crocodile, with very dark blue scales. His Traptanium arrows were now black, and the golden armour was now black as well.

"Well, Snap Shot, the prison has already been invaded by my brilliant idea. I'll take over the Skylands with this mist soon, but for now, HELP THOSE OTHER MONSTERS BREAK OPEN THESE WALLS! I WANT THIS PLACE TO REMAIN IN RUINS!"

"Yes, master!" all of the corrupted species said at once. Suddenly, sounds came outside the prison.


The prison, like Kaos wanted, was now in ruins. Only few bricks remained standing, but they were burnt severely. The beds were blasted over to who knows where, and the floor under them cracked like an egg.

"Well, that was easier than I fought." Kaos remarked, standing proudly. "I wonder how those monsters I sent to Earth was going. Wait, WHAT?!?!! They were destroyed, by flesh covered normal people?! AGHHHH! MINIONS, FIND A LAIR AND LEAVE THIS PRISON THE WAY IT IS!"

As all the monsters and Kaos left, new people came under the island. It seemed like they were trapped in there. One person cheered with her arms up in the air. "Yay, we're now free!" Just then, a bird came flying over to the people.

"Hmmm......I'll talk to it." The person said, then used a beam of light to slide over to it. "Maybe we can be friends."

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