Flying From My Chance

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Spyro and Eon had been travelling for a few days. With Eon being a spirit, they were sure to find the dragon's ancestors in no time.

They soon came across a temple. A diamond gate was in front of it, however, the silver metal was glistening even brighter than the sun. Spyro glanced at Eon, who had a worried look upon his face. "Are you ok?" Spyro asked Eon.

"I'm fine. I'm just scared for you Spyro. We don't know what happened to them except for them being banished here. I don't know if they are good or not, and they could cause havoc if they are still evil."

"I hoped they weren't' psychos, and you're making it seem like they are. But don't worry Eon, we'll find them. And when we do, we'll turn them good again." Spyro's reassuring words put a smile on his masters face.

They flew to the entryway of the gate. Eon chanted a spell under his breath, and the gate opened. They walked on a path, closest to the temple. The walkway was made of cobble, but it cracked with every step.

The two arrived at the temple. Eon gave a look to Spyro and said, "Your turn."

Spyro breathed some fire on the door, and it broke. "They need better doors." the dragon remarked. Eon smiled, obviously going to miss Spyro's humor when he spent time with his family.

Inside was like an old castle. The walls were grey, rusty and ruined. Armour was covering most of the walls. A scarlet carpet on the floor had rips throughout it all. It twisted and turned like a maze, and Spyro's face admitted it was getting a bit dizzy.

Soon, they reached a door. It was arched but wooden. A silver lock was on it, with a camera on top of it. Spyro glanced at it and tried to open it. Eon tried to hold him back, but Spyro let go. "MY ANCESTORS ARE IN THERE!"

Spyro breathed fire on the door, but it wouldn't budge. The camera suddenly showed the lenses, and a red light came out. It was as tiny as an eyeball, but bright enough to light up a marble mansion. It stared at Spyro, but it didn't respond.

Spyro, however, was oblivious to it. It tried to open the door, but it wouldn't move at all. Spyro didn't notice a big metal block falling from the air, trying to squash him. Eon jumped in the way and Spyro tumbled back.

"EON!" Spyro cried. The old spirit was stuck under the metal block. His arms were failing, but they were stuck. Eon looked sick, but it was only his face showing it.

"Guess becoming solid was a bad idea..." Eon said, looking queasy and sorry. Spyro felt sorry for Eon, but his glance was staring at something else.

Tiny dragon robots came jumping from the ceiling. They had robotic eyes, and headgear reaching their wings, which were also mechanic. They had different coloured scales, but the stood still, with the sun reflecting on them.


Spyro saw the mechanic dragons leap at him. He flew up in the air, and shot a ball of fire at them. They got hit, but they weren't hurt. What was happening?

Suddenly, one of them shot laser beams. Out of his EYES. Not mouth. Eyes. Spyro was shocked, and got hit by one on accident. However, his impenetrable scales made him stay uninjured.

"INTRUDER NOT HURT!" One called out. One shot gears, and they hit the wall, exploding. Spyro was knocked back, choking by the smoke.

Spyro was cornered. There was no way out. Spyro summoned one last ball of fire before someone arrived.

It was bigger then the other dragons, that's for sure. looked like a mechanic dragon, just like the others, but it was bigger than the rest. His green scales were glowing, with the sun landing on his tail.

"Everyone, leave this dragon alone. And that old man. I will speak to both of them." The big dragon spoke in a deep, booming voice. He pointed at the metal block, and the tiny dragons lifted it off Eon.

Spyro stood up, but was knocked back due to the dragons sudden movements. He moved closer, and Spyro began was touching the wall. Eon was now free, and stood beside the purple dragon.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?!" Eon blurted out, shocked. "No-one is meant to be here!"

"For your information, my name is Drobot. We are meant to be here. Orders. We guard the place so no intruders come and try to break it."

"Wait, why?" Spyro asked the tech dragon. Drobot seemed to look at the door, then back at Spyro and Eon.

"Orders. Can't tell you that as well." Drobot glanced at the door, and he facepalmed. "Oh no....."

Suddenly, the camera on top of the door spoke. "Intruders have been recorded opening the door. Because of this, an explosion of the temple will happen. In order to find the dragons, you must find 8 keys to a different realm: Sheep Wreck Island, Skylands Miniverse, Land Of the Giants, Sunscraper Spire, Midnight Museum, Atlantis Island, Enchanted Elven Forest and Fizzland. Bring the 8 keys here and you can unlock the door."

Suddenly, a countdown appeared. Spyro could see Drobot have a panicking face, but as soon as the tech dragon saw Spyro looking at him, his face became stern.

"Guards! Leave this place! NOW!"

All the tiny dragons listened to Drobot at once. Spyro and Eon flew away, just as the temple exploded.

It was a terrible sight. The temple crumbled, and the bricks fell off the island and into the abyss. Spyro could hear voices in his head, screaming in pain, but it most likely his imagination.

"Do you really want to enter this door?" Drobot asked Spyro. The purple dragon nodded. "I have all the places in my head, so it shouldn't be a problem." Drobot continued. Spyro nodded, and Drobot flew back fo his army.

"I had one chance. A chance to meet my ancestors, and I flew away from it....." Spyro muttered to himself.

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