Hands on Devices

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Kaossandra was looking on her computer. Ok, so it was eleven o'clock in the night. That doesn't mean as new headmistress, she has to sleep EVERY night. Sure, Master Eon slept, but he was....gone. Trying to save the core, he used all of his power, which made him dissappear. If only they knew where he went.....

Anyway, two creatures had wanted to join the academy. They emailed Kaosssndra and she was looking through their post. Dang, that thing was long. It could take the ENTIRE night just to read one paragraph. Because, it indeed was. 

Kaossandra finally finished reading, and emailed them saying to meet her in 5 days. She sent to email, then closed her eyes, trying to sleep. She never knew how hard it could be, being a headmistress. What would Master Eon do?

The next morning, everyone was buzzing with excitement and worry. They wondered what Kaossandra would do, and felt concerned about Spyro. Before he left to who knows where, a message out of clouds shone over the SheepBall arena. Spyro had been constantly texting his friends, who were intriqued of what adventures was going on. 

"Hey, Elfy, I got a text saying Spyro just got in this hotel!" Eruptor called, buzzing in the kitchen. 

"We all got one, Eruptor." Jet Vac replied coolly. "Man, does he text fast!" Pop Fizz said, trying to eat his beaker. They all looked at the gremlin oddly before Elf asked, "Does anyone miss him? It's a bit lonely here."

"It actually is." Eruptor said glumly. He grabbed a napkin and wipped his eyes. A tiny bit of coal came out of his eyes. "Don't start crying, you know we still have classes to attend! Although it is lonely, we can't let Spyro get to us!" Jet Vac reminded the lava monster.

Pop, who had now broken teeth, said "Guys, classes are starting now! You head to your classrooms while me and JV show up shockingly late." He then grabbed the cold pancakes from the fridge, and ran. "Man, these are good!" His voice echoed through the house.

"Oh no! I'll see ya guys there!" Jet called, before using his jet pack to fly out of the door. Stealth Elf teleported, and Eruptor grabbed the last pancake before running to his class.

When Eruptor arrived to his class, the cadets were on their phones. They chitter chattered, but didn't turn off their devices. Flashwing was texting selfies, Cynder was looking at the school website Kaossandra made, and Hex was showing Skull something. Shrugging, Eruptor sat down. 


The cadets dropped their devices and quickly put them away. Good ol' Pop Fizz had scared them so he could get on with his class. "Now, turn to page uh.......ripped 859?" 

"Pop, there is not 859 pages. There are only 600, remember? And none of the pages are ripped." Roller Brawl reminded the gremlin. She tried to get her phone out, but quickly got a death stare by Chill.

"Pages are not ripped, but our hearts when taking these lessons are. Shame you don't admit it." The class laughed but Bad Breath burped, making the students gag.

"Class, remember, our test on Motions On How To Attack Enemies Like Complete Pyschos is next week. In celebration, you get to re read to the entire chapter!" The entire class groaned. "Pop, why are you acting like JV?"

Pop looked concerned. "Uhh....actually you get to go on your devices!" The class smiled again, and got out their technology. Surprisely, Eruptor did too. But was shocked at what he saw.

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