Struggles with Sisters and Servants

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Earth wasn't doing so well. The school that Mickey, Cassie and Sabine used to go to was up in purple flames. Ginormous fires were being set ablaze each second, creating destruction in its path. Screams of horror were heard in every direction.

"This is idiotic." Said the same elf figure with those dragon features. "They can't even see us. We can't cause terror if we can't they don't know who's causing it." She huffed in the air.

"While it is fun, you said Sabine would be here." A familiar voice boomed. "I told you she was on Skylands, but you refused."

"Strykore, I am loyal to you. That caused me to free you. You should be grateful." The dragon/elf hybrid remarked.

"Why should I be grateful? You're only freeing me so you can prove your sister wrong that Dark Spyro is still evil. He betrayed me, and I saw what he's doing." Strykore snarled.

"Trust me, he was created to be evil. Soon, he will be evil by my hypnotic charm." Strykore couldn't help but roll his eyes as the hybrid shot more fire at the innocent bystanders.

"I care for ridding those Skylanders, not to get Dark Spyro back. He was my henchmen, it's as simple as that. He was useless anyway." Strykore growled.

"He didn't kill Stealth Elf, yes I know, but he killed my heart. He broke it when he didn't follow you. I need him back to get make my heart to love him again. If he can't, I'll force Sabine to die in front of his eyes."

"For once, I actually agree with you." Strykore noted, but his eyebrows were still skeptical. "What's your name again?"

"Sabrina." She yawned, her wings flapping. "I just want to kill that worthless Sabine already. She's nothing."

"I think I might know where she is....." Strykore tapped his chin. "She's at......Skylanders Academy."


"Mickey, do you know how to use a kettle?!" Cassie yelled as she threw tea in his face.

"It burns things! Like my face! That's what it does!" Mickey yelled through shrieks of agony and Sabine facepalmed.

"This is really hurting me......" Screech muttered.

"Oh! Do you need a medic or something?" Eliora said, shocked.

"Eliora, do you know what figurative language is?!" Sabine said, as she slapped the tea in Cassie's face.

"What? A figure? Like an action figure?" Eliora rubbed her blonde hair in confusion.

"She really doesn't get sarcasm. Just let her be." Screech shrugged.

"Screech, are you ok?" Cassie kneeled down. "You haven't been yourself. As in screeching."

"I'm fine." Screech said, as she walked upstairs to her room. She twisted her tail around to walk faster.

"Well, I'm going to feed my dragon." Sabine ran upstairs, and grabbed her phone. She opened up her text messages, and decided to chat to Dark Spyro.

Sabine: Heya!

Dark Spyro: How's it going?

Sabine: Good, you?

Dark Spyro: Totally fine.

Sabine: You're lying.

Dark Spyro: You got me.

Sabine: Knew it. What's happening?

Darky: Ran into a few familiar people.

Sabine: Like Strykore?

Darky: I actually haven't heard his screams of revenge in a while. It's like he disappeared.

Sabine: Do you think he returned?

Darky: I'd still hear him yelling from a mile away.

Sabine: True.

Darky: Can I ask about your sis?

Sabine: I got her into you. I was playing some games with my mum until she was asked me what it was. So I told her and she loved you ever since. You thought you were created to be evil and do bad things, and she she it as proof when the show came. She disagreed with me and tried to make her opinions seem right by looking at others opinions about him. She's very pervasive, I'll say. Because of her, everyone believed you were evil. If only they could see you now.

Darky: Can't go wrong with that. Pea soup?

Sabine: Pea soup is disgusting! I hate any type of stew.

Darky: What do you prefer then?

Sabine: Ice-cream. Very delicious, I will say.

Darky: So, I'll see ya soon in your dreams?

Sabine: Yep!

And she closed her apps. Sabine laid down on her bed, as she closed her eyes to avoid the sunlight. She went on her computer, and in her inbox was a very frightening yet easy message.

Hello, sis. I've freed Strykore from his prison, and DS will be evil again. You cannot escape me, as I'm Strykore's assistant. If you tell anyone about this, you will never see your ugly friends again.

From, Sabrina.

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