Searching for Acceptance

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"Ready!" They all shouted.

"Ok," declared Sabine,"Now we need to find the skylanders."

"I think we should head back to the academy," said JV. Even if we stood a chance against Dark Spyro, we don't know where he is and he could go into the dream whenever he wanted."

"But that girl!" Elf reminded everyone. "She had powers didn't she? We need to get to her again."

"Don't worry," says Kaossandra,"She'll find us herself..."

"They could have travelled back to Skylands by now though! How will we find them?" Mickey pointed out.

"They must have travelled here by a strong spell," explained Sabine,"That means Kaossandra needs to recharge they won't be able to leave yet."

"Well that's good," said Cassie,"That means we might be able to still find them!"

The three friends headed off, searching for the skylanders. After a while they had to split up, Sabine didn't expect it to be this hard. The Skylanders couldn't have gone too many places in the town could they?

Mickey, Cassie and Sabine met back up again at 8 P.M. None of them had found the skylanders yet.

"Could the skylanders have travelled back already?" asked Mickey,"Kaossandra could've recovered by now."

"No," said Sabine, rather firmly,"They saw me use my powers, they wouldn't leave already. I think Kaossandra's testing us to find her, or me anyway."

Cassie spotted something on the ground," Hey! What's that?" She pointed at a small piece of paper lying on the grass. Cassie picked it up. "It says,'To where the skies appeared, the creatures that came must return to there again.'"

"That seems a bit like nonsense!" said Mickey.

"Hm.......I think Cassie needs to sort it out. Sometimes, you get more powers than just the powers of telekinesis and creating stuff." Sabine answered.

"Well, 'the skies' are probably the skylanders. So, I think we need to find where the first skylander was born." explained Cassie,"And the 'creatures that came' are Kaossandra, Jet Vac, Pop Fizz, Eruptor and Stealth Elf. So we need to get to the skylands, I think so they HAVE left."

Then it seemed that Mikey had an idea,"What about 'To where the skies appeared' means uhhh, where we first saw them."

"I checked there, Mickey!" said Sabine.

"Oh, but it's worth a try!" defended Mickey.


The three of them walked back to the library, where they might the creatures from a different world.

"See?" said Sabine, with an annoyed frown upon her face. "They're not even here!"

"Actually," interrupted Eruptor," We are!"

"I tooooooold youuuu!" mocked Mickey,"I knew they were there!"

All the skylanders jumped down from the tree, "Well done," said Kaossandra.

At that moment, a flash of light and a vortex filled with crackling lightning suddenly materialised in front of everyone, and a mysterious shadow was emerging.

All the creatures standing there, said the same thing. "Oh, no."

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