The Talk

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The walk to the library was full of eerie silence. What could Kaossandra want? She said they would train other Skylanders, so was it only that? It couldn't be. Why was she so stern in the announcement?

Kaossandra was waiting when the others arrived. She looked quite stern and a bit mad. Her first glare was at Pop and Jet Vac.

"Pop, why did you make the students go on their technology? They were supposed to re read the chapter for your upcoming test, not play videos games and text each other!"

"It isn't his fault he was acting like JV...." Eruptor muttered. "I heard that, lava boy." Kaossandra glared at the rock. "And Jet Vac, the cadets were so worried that the Mabu Defense Force came! They thought you drank a stuttering potion from a new, mysterious villain. It took them FOREVER to get them out of here."

"We're sorry, Kaossandra." The Gremlin and Sky Baron apologised, probably ashamed for what they done. Pop grabbed his beaker and tried to drink it again. "What? They said it tasted like donuts."

"Well, we have more problems then just that. Dark Spyro is out there, heading to.....Earth? What is this place, anyway?"

"Earth is a completely different world to Skylands. Instead of mabu, there is humans, and no dragons or elves live there. Unless you think of those elves that work for some Santa guy. Anyway, no magic comes from there, so you might be a bit stiff. However, a few spells should do the trick." Kaossandra said in a mouth full.

"That sounds a bit...weird. No magic? Is this place Cloudcracker prison or something?" Eruptor said.

"They have prisons, but with not much security like ours. Are you guys ready?"

Stealth Elf nodded. Eruptor gulped and said yes. Jet Vac grabbed his vac gun, ready for action. And Pop.....kept drinking his beaker.

"Ok, I'll do the spell......NOW! QUNTA, SEEN, POP TA, BRIDDA, TE TA TEE, TELL! TUNLO, LUMO, NEX......EARTH!"

Suddenly a vortex, flashing with bright white lightning came down on each creature like a blinding beam of light. Kaossandra quickly casted a spell so amazingly quick you couldn't understand what she was saying. The lightning dragged them up in the sky, the cadets looking up, staring at the beauty of the bright light.

"I FEEL LIKE FLYINGGG!" Eruptor called out when he was in space. "MY BLADESSS! Good thing I packed some more." Jet Vac kept plopping out eggs, and since they were in the vortex as well, they went behind the Sky Baron, hitting poor Pop Fizz in the face.

"Now, I located the location of this 'person', but we don't know who they are. Looks like we're heading into some sort of school!"

On Earth, 3 people stood outside a library. Two were girls, one was a boy. The tiniest girl wore glasses and denim overalls. The boy had dirty blonde curly hair that was put into a ponytail. The other girl looked the strangest. She wore dragon leggings and had black and purple hair. Her shirt had the initials SD, and she wore black boots with silver spikes coming out of them.

"I'm telling you, Mikey, you need to finish watching S3! It was awesome! I'm so happy Dark Spyro's gone." The short girl said. She spoke very fast.

The black and purple girl stared at her, obviously annoyed. She said nothing, though, although she looked like she really wanted to.

"I'm sorry! I just keep forgetting about it! My CraftMine project is just distracting me."

The goth girl walked away, even more annoyed. 'Please say you like Dark Spyro, please say you like him, PLEASE SAY YOU LIKE HIM!" She muttered it a bit too loud.

The short girl heard it. "Sabine, why do you even like Dark Spyro? He was a liar, mean, rude and doesn't even care about his friends!"

"Well they're not really friends are they?"

"Dark Spyro was funny, a good character and I feel sympathy for him. He was pressured by Strykore to open that box. At the race, he tried to not hurt the Skylanders, but Strykore put a spell on him in which he turned evil again." Sabine answered coolly.

"And what happens? He gets tied up in his own bed, drinks a potion, loses the map, battles good Spyro AND was killed! YAYYY!"

"We're not sure if he was killed." Sabine rolled her eyes in disgust of her friend. They always bickered.

"How about you guys tell me at least a bit more about this "Academy of Skyla-"

"SKYLANDERSACADEMY!" the short girl called out, rolling her eyes as well.

"Yeah, that. Just tell me a bit about it"

"Ok, so you know Eon? Protecting the core, he basically died. So now he's a spirit. So Kaos's mom is now the headmistress, who became good at the start of the season."

The Skylanders starred in confusion. How did they know so much about their world? "Do they stalk us?" Pop Fizz asked, confused. "No, in their world, we're part of a TV show. We're fiction to them, but we're real." Kaossandra answered.

Sabine heard the stuff they were talking about. "What was that?"

Hello everyone! This is your writer here, and wow, this is a lot of views in a few days! Thank you so much! I'll also have to thank my co-writer, ZiggyZaggyPuppy, for helping me edit my mistakes and add new characters! You may see his OC in a future chapter! Along with that, he may write a few chapters! Now, enjoy reading, and byee!

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