"y'all are a bunch of man-haters"

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Hey Losers! I’m doing my absolute best to keep updating this book even while I’m busy with school. I wish I could update every day, but I know that I’d either A. Run out of good ideas or B. Run out of time.

Let’s face it, I could never run out of things I hate. It would definitely be the second option.

Basically, today’s rant is about something that I have heard a lot about lately: Emma Watson’s HeForShe speech to the UN, and simply feminism in general.

I consider myself a feminist, and if I had one dollar for every time I read hateful words about feminists in rant books the past week or so, I would be typing this on a solid gold laptop. And I get it, everyone has different views. I totally respect that. But since when has it been okay to say such rude and hateful things about someone’s opinion? What happened to freedom of speech?

I’ll backtrack a little, in case you don’t know what I am talking about. Emma Watson made this speech to the United Nations about this new campaign she is supporting called He For She. The basic idea of the campaign is to get men on board with the idea of equality between men and women. I’m sure many of you are wondering, what’s the problem here?

That’s the exact same question I have!

I do not care what people say. Majority of feminists (including myself) are not man-haters. All I want is to be treated equally!

People say that there is equality and we have nothing to complain about, but I refuse to believe it. Every single day I see things that are unfair to women and girls.

For example, plays/musical theatre pieces. In my personal experience, when there is a main male character, a male is required to play that role. However, if they cast a guy to play a main female role, it creates ‘comedy’ and ‘humour’. Oh, because it’s funny to see guys wear dresses and lipstick but not girls wear ties and beards? (This is simply my personal experience, others may have different experiences).

In math class, I was very rudely told by my teacher that I had received the second highest mark on the math test in front of the entire class. When the class questioned who had received the highest mark, my teacher said she couldn’t say anymore other than the fact that it was a boy. I might be stretching that out a bit, but to me it seemed like she was pointing out that only boys could be successful in mathematics.

Just take a look at all the presidents/CEOs of major companies. I would make a bet with you that at least 90% are male. Some examples: Tim Horton’s, Burger King, Wendy’s—All male Presidents.

My point? People can be mean! I normally don’t get insulted by other people’s rants even if they are directed at something I believe in or do, but these rants about feminism have honestly hurt me! I guess because it’s something I believe in very passionately.

Well, that’s it for today, Losers! Vote if you agree that Emma Watson is a positive influence on all young girls and women!

Love, Emmalynn

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