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Okay so I've already done a rant on the kilts at my school, but I figured I should do a rant on school uniforms in general because I have been dealing with uniforms since I was in grade 6 (which isn't as bad as some of my friends who went to private schools) but I hate them.

First of all, I miss having the ability to express myself through my clothes. Sure, we have civvies days like once a month but is that enough to make me happy? Of course not. I get that it might sound stupid to talk about being able to express creativity through clothing but it's one of those things that you never realized you had until it was gone.

I hate being restricted and told what to do (you've probably realized that by now) and that is what uniforms are all about. Not only do we have to wear specific uniform tops and bottoms, but we also have to have all black shoes and opaque tights and only uniform sweaters and no scarves and the list just goes on and on. When I was in grade 6 I decided to protest against the uniform by wearing colourful knee socks with my skort (which was the ugliest thing in the world by the way... it wasn't a kilt, it was literally shorts in the back with a piece of fabric in the front that made it look like a skirt when viewed from the front.. it was literally a mullet for your butt.) And I was told by the principal that I needed to wear navy socks. Like, excuse me, but now I can't even wear the socks that I want to?

Uniforms for elementary schools is actually the stupidest thing because kids grow out of clothes within two weeks and uniforms are SO EXPENSIVE. We can only buy our uniforms from one specific company so they have no competition or reason to keep their prices low. Therefore, we end up paying ridiculous amounts of cash for things I don't even want to wear and I won't wear after high school.

And yes, we do have used uniform sales but there are limited sizes and styles available that are in good condition.

What message do uniforms send? That we need to all be the same. Instead of appreciating everyone's differences, they are assimilating us to all look the same. Instead of making me feel like I am unique and special I feel like I am just 1/1000 of my school. And that is all I am.

Okay, maybe this is taking things too far but... Our polo shirts have a logo on them that says the name of our school. So basically when I walk downtown or take a bus or whatever after school every person that sees me knows where I go to school. And that's a scary thought in this day and age. Obviously I can bring a change of clothes and things but when I see young elementary kids who are walking home from school who don't think about these things I worry about them. And maybe that's just my over-protective instincts, but it seems like a real concern to me.

Apparently, uniforms end bullying because kids can't be picked on for what they wear. That is the stupidest argument that I hear for uniforms. Why do bullies bully? Usually, it's because they feel insecure in themselves or they are going through a rough time, etc. So is everyone being in a uniform going to stop them? No, of course not! They will pick on people for their hair, makeup, the way they talk, the things they say, etc. It's a sad but true reality. Instead of getting uniforms, schools should have more anti-bullying workshops and speakers to raise awareness. Mean people will be mean no matter what people are wearing.

So I hope I was able to open your eyes about this whole uniform issue. I understand it's too late to do anything about the uniforms at my high school or elementary school (Not that I haven't tried) but maybe I can stop another school's parent council from making this horrible mistake.

Okay I'm kidding that's a bit too dramatic. But I hope you liked this rant anyways!

xoxo Emmalynn

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