"I'm not gonna update this until.."

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This is an issue that has bothered me for a while, but I have noticed that several other Ranters have already sort of covered this topic so I was hesitant to add my own two cents. But then I thought, what the hay, I'm a Ranter too, so I'm going to do it for the rant.

Do it for the rant.

I ain't goin do it.

Do it for the rant.

Okay, if you insist.

You know those authors that really want to get their book out there? The ones that want the most reads, votes and comments? The ones that want to get their book published?

You mean, every single person on Wattpad?

Yeah, basically.

But, you know those people who take it to the next level? The ones who demand an unrealistic number of reads, comments or votes before they post the next chapter?

Those people really annoy me.

You know why? Because people should be writing because they love to write. You shouldn't be writing to be the most popular person. You shouldn't be writing to brag about how many votes, comments or reads you have.

You should write because you love it.

It's the same with sports. Say you're playing on a soccer team. Go up to any athlete on any team, and I'm sure they will tell you they got started in their sport because they loved it. When you play soccer, for example, you start in the peewee house league. Then, slowly, you move up the ladder to play rep soccer. Maybe you'll even end up on the Olympic Team, or playing in the World Cup or something. (Which would be like getting published in the book world) but how did you get started?

Because you loved it.

If you really love what you do, then it shouldn't matter whether you have 2 reads on your story or 2,000,000 reads. All that should matter is that you are doing what you love.

So why do people refuse to do what they 'love' until they receive recognition for it?

Asking your readers for 25 votes and comments before you post the next chapter is wrong. Your readers don't owe you anything. They are taking time out of their lives to read your story, and they could just as easily use that time to go read someone else's work. You should be thanking your readers for everything they give you instead of being greedy and asking for more.

There is one minor exception to this rule. One tiny little thing.

Let's say you update every week, maybe on Mondays, like I used to with ITT. If you want to, you could set a goal and say something like 'if I get 5 votes on this chapter, then I will give you all an early update'.

That's not denying your readers, because even if you don't reach the goal they will still get an update on Monday like usual. You are just offering them an early reward, and giving them some incentive to vote or comment on your story. Just make sure the goal is something reasonable. If you only have 25 reads on your story, it is completely impractical to ask for 100 votes.


That took a lot out of me.

I think this is one of the longest rants I have ever written.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE enter my contest for ITT!

The deadline is May 11th, and as of right now I have 0 entries and that makes me sad :(

You guys are so amazing and I want to thank you for making ITT a success, and there's a good prize and everything :(

Even if only one person enters, I will still give them the prize so enter because you might automatically win so hollaaaaaaaaa.

If you are interested, check out the last chapter of my Hunger Games fan fiction 'In This Together'. The chapter is called 'CONTEST FOR 3K READS', I believe.

Thank you for all of your support, and peace out, girl scouts!

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