"I'm just gonna sit here and wait for my prince to come"

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You know what I hate?

Weak female characters.

Now, I don’t mean characters that are undeveloped and make no sense in a story, but those can be really annoying too.

I’m talking about the characters who do nothing all day until the hot guy in school comes to save them.

Let me define some terms here. It’s one thing to write a romance story. I have nothing against romance stories. They’re great, as long as the female character has a life before the hot guy comes along.

Look at it this way. If the female character can do nothing without her boyfriend, then what kind of message is that sending to society?

That girls are nothing without men.

Is that the kind of message we want to send?


The sad thing is that most of the stories that I have read that have characters like this are written by girls, and I’m just like honey I am sending some major girl power over your way!

All those single ladies out there, know that you are amazing. And you are worth it. Go do those things you want to do. You don’t need a guy. Go to that dance with your gal pals, try out for the school play, the soccer team. Whatever, forever.

And for any guys that are reading this, this applies to you too. You don’t need a girlfriend to have fun.

Basically, what I am trying to say to all you writers out there, stop pretending that girls do nothing but sit around all day and wait for their prince to come and save them. Because we don’t. Simple as that.

And can I just say that if I was in trouble, I wouldn’t be waiting for some guy to come save me! I would be beating up whatever was trying to hurt me!

Bottom line: We are strong! So don’t make us weak.

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