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Surprise update cuz 7k :D

First things first I'm the realist...

Sorry guys I couldn't help myself.


So I mentioned the idea of writing this rant in a rant I published a little while ago. I don't remember which one. I've written way too many. This is actually number 70, by the way, that's pretty crazy. Well, my 70th draft, anyways. I have a few ones that I never published so this is probably technically 67 or something but 70 sounds better.

But nobody cares.

What you do care about is realists vs. pessimists vs. optimists! Now this is some real exciting stuff guys. To make sure you fully understand what I mean, I'll give you a little example.

Optimist: Hey, Pessimist, do you mind passing me that glass of water over there? The one that's half full?

Pessimist: I only see one glass of water and it's half empty.

Realist: I don't know what you guys are talking about because all I see is a glass of water.

Spot the difference.

Now here's the thing. All three of these different types of people should have clear, distinct things about them that distinguish them from the other types. However, I have found that often being realisic gets you mistaken for a pessimist.

For example: let's say your sibling tells you they really want to be a world famous fashion designer, and you explain to them the fact that there aren't exactly a lot of jobs in that field and they would be better off doing something else. A lot of people would look at that situation and say 'wow you are being so pessimistic and crushing their dreams! They can do whatever they want to if they put their mind to it!'

But I disagree. I think that is a realistic statement. The fact is there aren't a lot of fashion design jobs, There are close to none. Your sibling probably would be better off doing something else. That's just being realistic. Is being real always what people want to hear? Of course not. It's a lot easier to live in a fantasy than face the truth.

At the same time, sometimes it's what people need to hear. If you're not honest with your sibling, then who will be? And yes, I know, sometimes it's not always the best idea to be totally honest, but honesty is the best policy.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing to be an optimist or a pessimist. I'm just saying that realists do not equal pessimists. I mean, being real can have a more optimistic side to it too. Say your sibling wanted to go into computer science. A realist might say to them 'oh yeah, that's a great idea. Computers will always be around. You can easily find a job.'

See? Telling it like it is isn't always a negative thing. In fact, sometimes it can be a good thing. And honestly, I think it is very difficult to narrow yourself down to one specific group. I think we all have that optimistic side of ourselves, just like we have the pessimistic and realistic side. It just depends what side we choose to show more often.

xoxo Emmalynn

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