"i am your teacher"

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Some teachers just don't get it.

Please don't take this the wrong way. I have had a lot of lovely, wonderful teachers who I really respect and look up to. And I appreciate that they dedicate their lives to helping me learn.

However, on the flip side, I have also had a lot of really weird teachers, who just don't get it.

I am not criticizing all teachers. In fact, I actually want to be a teacher one day. I don't think school is horrible (well, not all the time) and I'm not saying that teachers shouldn't exist.

I'm just saying that some are, well, different. And by different, I mean weird.

There's some different types of teachers. Let's go through a few, shall we?


Ah, the teachers with the favourites. Sometimes, I am one of the few lucky chosen ones, oftentimes, I'm not. These teachers often go about the classroom like this:

Teacher(T): *hands me essay*

Me: *sees 70%*

T: Next time, try to develop your ideas further. *Walks to favourite student* *hands her test with a 90% that was written in dot jot notes and not even in the proper format of an essay* Good job, my favourite student! Next time just put it in the correct format, and you can get a 95!

What? It wasn't even in the correct format! How is that even possible? How do you give someone a 90 on an essay they only wrote in jot notes? No intro, no conclusion, no nothing. It blows my mind.

Btw, that Is a true story, that my friend experienced. Not me. But I thought it would be a good example.


Have we all had that teacher who tries too hard to be 'one of the kids'? It's great when teachers make an effort to get along with their students, but some teachers take it way too far. I had this one teacher who started to watch Pretty Little Liars so we could talk about it in class, and that was way weird, considering he was a male teacher. Not saying that guys can't watch Pretty Little Liars, but y'know, I don't know any guys who do, really.

Teacher: Hey, so did you guys watch the new Pretty Little Liars episode last night?

Class: mhmm yeah whatever

Teacher: Who do you think is A? Those black hoods are really creepy, eh? What did you think about-

Me: So... why do you watch PLL?

Teacher: Oh, uh... No I don't watch it I just happened to flip it onto that channel when I was looking for something else.

As if. There are plenty more examples I could give, like asking weird questions about what's 'in' nowadays or what's the best drink to get at Starbucks. Like I said, it's great when a teacher makes an effort, but there is a line that is all too easily crossed.


Now, I don't stumble across teachers that are completely crazy very often. But I ran into one teacher (who I am not going to get too specific about) who is just so random and creepy and insane that there are no words to describe him. He assigned tons of homework and had all these weird rules and a crazy accent to top it all off. A typical conversation with him would go something like this:

Teacher: Alright everyone. Take out your binders. Put your backpacks at the back of the class. Hazard! Safety!

Me: ..........

Teacher: Don't tell your parents what goes on in this class. You have problem, you come talk to me and we whisper in the corner.

Me: ........

Seriously. How did he get hired?


Some people just weren't made for teaching. Either they don't have the patience, or they can't spell, or... or..


To sum it up, I love teachers. They really benefit our society. I want to be one someday, and they are the ones who educate us and push us to be the best we can be.

But sometimes, they just don't get it!

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LOL (Lots of Love)


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