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So I talked about this in my previous rant and today I have a step by step guide on how to gain more self-confidence/feel happier in your own body. Some of these things may sound weird or whatever, but these are all from my own mind so that's probably why.

1. Tell yourself that you are beautiful

Even if you don't believe it, make a conscious effort to compliment yourself at least once or twice a day. It sounds silly, but the more you say it the more you will grow to believe it, and it will show. You don't need anyone to compliment you, you can do it yourself.

2. Accept that nobody is perfect

Perfection does not exist. No person is perfect, so stop holding yourself to those standards. Look at it this way: you would never expect your best friend to be a model and perfect and all that, so why would you expect that of yourself? Because you know models aren't perfect. Everybody knows that magazines use all kinds of Photoshop to get to the final image you see. Everybody knows it, but they still look at those magazines and want to look like that, even though 'that' doesn't exist.

3. Love the skin you're in

This is your body. It's yours. Learn to appreciate the fact that while you may not love every individual part of yourself, you can love yourself as a whole. Find something you love about yourself. It can be something small, like your eyes, or it could be your legs or your smile or anything, and dress to play it up. When you dress/do your makeup to put the focus on your favourite parts of yourself you will instantly feel more confident. And if you think there's nothing you love, find something! And just start telling yourself that you love it, like step one, and eventually you will believe it.

And of course, what you love about yourself doesn't have to be a physical attribute. You can love your laugh or your sense of humour. That's great too! As long as you pick something to love about yourself and play it up. So laugh or a tell a joke a few times a day. I don't know, just give yourself a reminder of what there is to love about you. Because there are a million things, but I know they can be hard for you to see, so I'm asking you to pick one. And again, if you don't believe that there's one, find something! And just keep telling yourself that you love it until you believe it. Because you should love yourself.

Remember, this is your body. This is what you have to work with. I have friends where it doesn't matter how much they work out/eat healthy, they still won't lose much weight, and other friends where it doesn't matter how much they eat, they won't gain weight. So accept the things you cannot change. You don't have to love them, but accept the fact that they are gonna be with you for your entire life so you might as well accept them.

4. Lead a healthy lifestyle

I'm not saying you need to lose or gain weight, I'm just saying that when you eat healthy and exercise you will feel a million times better and shine inside and out. I know when I work out or eat healthy I always feel better about myself.

5. Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself

If your friends make you feel anything less than beautiful, loved, and wonderful, it's time to get new friends. If you are around people who are constantly nit picking their own body, it's time to tell them to stop. If you are around people who are confident and promote you to be as well, then eventually their optimism and confidence will wear off on you. This works the same for negativity, so be careful about who you surround yourself with.

At the end of the day, know that you are loved for your beauty inside and out. Everybody is beautiful. I'll keep saying it until everybody believes it.

Your body is the only one you are going to get. (unless if you believe in that whole we-are-reborn-into-new-souls-after-death-reincarnation-thing, in which case....)

Your body is the only one you are going to get in this lifetime. So why waste time hating it and wishing you could change it when you could be loving what you have? You would never want anyone else to go through that, so why do that to yourselves?

Make peace with your body. The war has come to an end.






I love you all, and please share this rant with everyone who needs it. I want to spread positivity wherever I can :)

xoxo Emmalynn

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