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It's been one week since Miko and Evelyn's kidnapping and Evelyn's learned firsthand that living in a small town isn't always the best.

Because news travels fast.

Needless to say, when she and Miko went back to school, everyone had more or less known about the kidnapping. They didn't know all the details like the military being involved, Agent Fowler made sure of that and even came up with a cover story, but that didn't stop the other students from fabricating or guessing. Soon, hundreds of rumors were made.

Some say they ran away, some say they were kidnapped by some cult and brainwashed, some say they were simply just kidnapped for ransom which wasn't that far off while some thought Miko and Evelyn weren't even kidnapped.

"They probably just came up with that as a lame excuse so they could skip school." Jennifer said. "Bet they just want the attention and they're jealous."

Evelyn who was listening nearby had had enough. She punched the locker beside Jennifer, leaving a small dent in it. Jennifer screamed as the fist landed a hair's breath away from her head.

Instantly, the chatter around them lessened.

"You really think this is some kind of act? Some goddamn drama to get attention?" Evelyn hissed. She knew that it could've been worse, but in all honesty, she was still a bit shaken from nearly getting killed. And here this b!tch was, going around telling people lies as though she was there herself and knew the ordeal they went through.

"You listen here, I have no idea what's your problem with me. But know this; what Miko and I went through was anything but easy. We almost f@$king died and you think we went through all that crap for attention of all things?!" she snapped.

Jennifer opened her mouth but no words came out as she trembled. Nearby, Jack and Raf were trying to console an equally fuming Miko.

"Mark my words, I'm not you. Unlike you I'm a decent human being. If you've got a problem with that, maybe you should start by attempting to be a decent being yourself instead of this pathetic excuse of a living creature." Evelyn spat before taking her fist away and walking off without even sparing a glance back at the trembling spoiled teen.

After that scene, of course, it came to no surprise when Evelyn was called to the principal's office.

"What Jennifer did was out of line, I won't deny that. But you weren't any better." Principal Winston said. Evelyn just stood in front of his desk and hung her head in shame.

"Sorry, but she deserved it." Evelyn muttered.

The principal's face softened a bit. "I can't say I understand how you feel. I wasn't there. But I do know that it was a traumatizing ordeal. Do you want me to contact the counselor?" he asked.

"No thanks. Please, no." Evelyn said. As if a counselor could ever understand what she went through. She didn't need to end up in an asylum thank you very much.

"Jennifer has been suspended for three days for speaking out of line. But you can't go unpunished either. You also damaged school property." Principal Winston said. "I knew you were strong but still, frankly, I'm impressed with your strength."

Evelyn perked up a bit at the praise. "Thanks."

"But, please refrain yourself from using said strength on school property next time." Principal Winston said. "As punishment, you will go home now and are suspended for the next day as well."

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