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Evelyn's p.o.v

Things have been going well these past few days. It's been three weeks since the tryouts and two weeks since I've been accepted into the gymnast team, The Nymphs. Yeah, nymphs of all things. Then again, it could be worse.

Anyways, in those three weeks, things have been going great. I've hung out with Miko and her friends more. Sometimes it was with all three of them while most of the time it was just me and Miko. We'd go over to each other's house and watch movies till midnight and even till the wee bits of the morning, play duets so loud the neighbors complained, we'd chat away while doing each other's hair and nails and sometimes discuss homework.....though we did the former things most of the time. In all honesty, we only did the homework thing three times and we only did it for half an hour tops.

But overall, we were becoming as close as sisters again, it was like old times again.

Needless to say, I'm glad our relationship is well. Miko would listen to my problems and give me advice, well as best as advice could go for her, and vice versa.

These days, she'd talk with me over the phone every now and then while sometimes she'd sent me a text message. Sometimes it was in the afternoon, sometimes it was in the evening and sometimes at night. At least now she lets me know if she's alright or if she's simply in a place with no signal. It feels good to be out of the dark.

I also got to meet Jack's mother June Darby. She's a sweet woman but wow, she really is a helicopter mom. It's a wonder she even let's Jack go to school by himself, much less by a motorcycle. Heck, it's a wonder he even owns one to begin with.

And I was surprised when I learned how big Raf's family is. I feel a bit sorry for him. With such a large family, he could shout and no one would notice, according to him. To prove his point, he called out for one of his siblings and they promptly ignored him. Either that or they honestly didn't hear him at all. It made me feel more grateful for Ed.

Back to the point, life has been well. But there was still one thorn left.....the dark green SUV.

Every single day after school, I see the same dark green SUV come to pick up Miko. It was suspicious. Why? Because I've been to Miko's host parent's house before and everytime I see that dark green SUV just parked there nearby the house on the curb.

I had asked Miko why it wasn't parked inside the house garage but she just waved it off and said that the SUV belonged to 'a friend'. I had asked her host parents about it and they said the same thing. Yet, there it is parked there like some kind of watchdog everytime I go over to her house.

In fact, now that I think about it, that day, on Miko's phone, I saw the same shade of dark green. In fact, I got a better look at it once. I didn't get a clear look but I saw a bulky humanoid like shape before Miko turned her phone off.

Coincidence? I think not.

Normally I'm not this paranoid but everytime I see that SUV, everytime I see Miko drive off to her Sci-Fi club in it, I keep getting that gut feeling and a small voice in my head tells me there's a lot more to this than meets the eye.

And so here I was in the cafeteria sitting beside Miko with Raf and Jack. I've made a few acquaintances in school but I was closer with the three of them and honestly felt more comfortable hanging out with them.

"Hey, Miko?" I said. "Hm?" Miko replied through a mouthful of spaghetti. "I was wondering if I could join that Sci-Fi Club of yours." I said. I noticed how Jack stiffened and how Raf choked at that.

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