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Evelyn's p.o.v

*Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep......* I groaned and slammed my fist onto my annoying alarm clock. I opened my eyes groggily and immediately regretted it and groaned.

Blimey, my head hurt, it felt like someone was pounding on my skull with a sledgehammer. My legs ached and felt sore, it's as though I did gymnastics and Taekwondo for 12 hours straight without stretching.

I just had the craziest dream. I was talking to Miko at an abandoned warehouse when we were suddenly attacked by giant robots and got saved by-hold on.

I suddenly sat up with a jolt, my headache and sore legs forgotten. I looked down and surely enough I was still dressed in last night's clothes rather than my usual night attire.

My cat beanie was lopsided on my head and my phone, torchlight and taser were still in my pockets. The slingshot and ammo lay beside my hip; they most likely fell out of my pocket when I slept.

I immediately fished my phone out and turned it on. I looked at my pictures and my eyes widened and my breath caught in my throat.

Right there on my screen in black and white, er colored pixels I mean were the pictures I took of the robot brawl. I looked through them and saw it all, the white robot that saved me, Smokescreen, the bulky robot, Bulkhead and the 'cons' as they called them.

I pumped my fist. "Yes!" I said. It wasn't a dream after all.

I slumped back against my bedpost and thought it over. Now what?

Would Miko fill me in? Would she finally tell me everything? Was this a good thing? Were those robots really the good guys here? Would Miko ask me to just forget about this and never talk about this ever again?

Well one thing was for certain, there is no bloody way I was going to do the last one.

I got up from bed and went to wash up. I didn't bother to tie the red sweatshirt around my waist and simply wore my usual clothes.

I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. My brother and aunt were already there eating breakfast. My determination to get answers overpowered my hunger so I just went to the fridge and grabbed a few granola bars and a juice box. "Morning guys, bye." I said waving to Ed and Aunt Selina.

I went into the garage and paused as I closed the door. What happened to Bolt? The last thing I recall from last night was falling asleep inside the car.

I turned around and gasped in surprise when I saw Bolt right there in the garage. I walked over and touched it. I felt the cool metal under my hand and knew for sure that it wasn't a hologram. But how?

I also noticed that Bolt's paint was now a bit scratched and it had half a dozen dents in the metal frame. But overall, I could still ride Bolt. Even my helmet was in one piece and hanging from one of the handlebars. Albeit, it was a bit scratched and cracked too.

There was a note inside the helmet. I picked it up and read it. It said:

Hey cuz,

I know you're confused and scared and excited and want answers, I promise I'll fill you in after school later. Oh, and Bulkhead, the green robot, found your bike scattered somewhere outside the warehouse yesterday and we dropped it here for you. We didn't mess with it, don't worry. Hope to see you later at school.


Looks like I owe Miko and Bulk, or rather Bulkhead one. It didn't matter. I put my helmet on and got onto Bolt.

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