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Smokescreen's p.o.v

I just barely managed to duck under Arcee's kick before she's at me again. I put my servos up to block but the force behind her kick makes me stagger.

Right now I was sparring with Arcee in the training room. She was more experienced than me and I wanted some pointers so she proposed to spar with me. Thinking back, I wonder if she really did want to help me or if she just thought of it as an excuse to kick my tailpipe.

I regained my footing and caught Arcee's fist in my servo. She tried to punch me with the other but I caught it too. I reared my helm back and slammed it into her faceplate. She stumbled back and I tackled her to the ground. She was a good fighter but I had the weight advantage and used it to pin her down.

Just as I raised my fist to land the finishing blow, she brought her blades up and blocked it. I hissed a bit as I felt the sharp blades cut my digits. Then Arcee managed to get her pede under my chassis and kick me off.

She held her blade up to my neck. "You lose, you're offline." She said. I groaned. We've had three rounds and she's won two of them, I only won one of them by getting her guard down. Looks like my luck's run out.

She retracted her blades into her arms and stepped back. "You're pretty good." She said. I looked at her in shock.

"Did you just compliment me?" I asked her. I mean, she doesn't downright hate me but she doesn't seem to like me that much either. Hearing her compliment me is kinda rare.

She rolled her optics. "Don't let it get to your processor." She said.

"Yeah, hey you're really good with those blades of yours." I said.

"Thanks, you'd be good with them too. I mean, you've pretty much got the skill, pity you don't have them installed on you." Arcee said.

"Yeah...." I said. Then an idea struck me. That's it! I've been good at hand to hand combat but when it comes down to fights, I'm always at a disadvantage since my energon blasters don't work well in CQC.

Time to fix that problem.

I went to the armory and had a look around. We've managed to find all sorts of stuff every now and then when we go raid energon mines. Sometimes its data like last time while sometimes it's other supplies like medical equipment and weapons.

Don't get me wrong, we're not scavengers we just take what we need. And to be fair, not all the stuff belonged to the cons to begin with.

I rummaged through the boxes and found what I was looking for. It was something I snagged when we went to another energon mine, it was a blade but its shape was different, the blade had a distinct recurve in it. Alpha Trion once told me that it was called kukri blade.

Now to find the doc.

As expected, he was in the med bay checking over his equipment.

"Hey, doc." I greeted.

"Smokescreen, what is it? I'm a little busy here." He said as grumpy as ever.

"Look, I was just wondering if you could help me install something." I said. He put down the tool he was checking and turned to look at me.

"Install what?" he asked. I showed him the blade and explained to him that I wanted to have it installed on me so I could use it in combat.

The doc thought about it and nodded. "I should be able to do it. It'll take a while to get used to though. You sure about this?" he asked me. I nodded.

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