she lives there

9 1 0

23:56 16/05/2019

she lives there
or so i heard
she's a strange
type of girl

not my first choice
not yours
but if i'm bored
i know
she's pretty close

don't judge me them
on their distance
or lack thereof
their proximity
is something you should be afraid of

don't seek their security
in those camera walls
find someone else
who isn't
so close

i think they live there
i've hugged them outside their door
they scream when i pick them up
but i couldn't help myself

i've never been inside there
know their fence like my hand
always there to hold me back
though it's all so close
being distant

don't stand outside their door
don't look at their walls
they're hidden
looking out their window
for a reflection

don't listen in
or you might hear something
this closeness
isn't what
they wanted

and maybe mr sweet
i would like you to come in
but it's late
and you make my hands shake
i can't make more mistakes

but when you stand beside this hedge
you make my heart jump over the edge
so you can knock
and i might let you in
for a few seconds

00:02 17/05/2019

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