
10 2 1

23:50 06/06/2018

my heart aches with every breath of mine that you take
never asking for permission just stealing every one of my kisses

strutting with your fast pace as if you own the entire place
i guess your ego has grown too large for you to even see the reflections of the cars

since you just don't really mind
leaving everyone behind
as long as you can drive
and not keep wasting time

you said cigarettes are nice but they lack your obligatory spice
they're too mild for your taste though they still take up all of your space

you just love getting high since it's better than living in real time
i guess you're too lost in the clouds to ever wish to come down

i guess you are fine
with being tired
as long as you're fired
and selfishly inspired

perhaps you're too hooked on the really good books
staring blankly at a page pretending to know what it says

you've become too known now it's hard not to feel owned
by the expectations towering over your weak expressions

but i guess you'll power through
just as long as you pay for two
since it'll be fine in future news
i just need to go through hell with you

23:59 06/06/2018

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