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Eren's POV

Are you ready for the sequel?
Ain't you ready for the latest?
Ain't got enough evil
I'm gonna be the greatest
In a golden cathedral
I'll be praying for the faithless
And if you lose, boo-huu

Hey look ma, I made it
Hey look ma—

I groaned once I heard my alarm, making me slam my hands on the button. Hard.

Waking up 6 in the morning for school was awful. Especially if you arrived in your house on 3 in the morning just after a tiring flight.

I stood up and took a peek at my windows but immediately regretted it. The sun was blinding making me hiss and run to hide under my blanket.

Yup, this is definitely going to be a awful first day of school.


When I said awful I meant horrid since starting of the day I think I already have a headache. My first period wasn't that bad since we just had to recite the parts of a plant cell. Second, Third and fourth however was my death bed.

I groaned walking to my locker. Taking a sharp turn I hit something making me fall flat on my butt. I groaned again putting a hand on my head slowly rubbing it.

Jesus why are there so much walls on this place I thought looking up and saw someone.

"Oh. . . Uh sorry?" He asked looking down at me.

"No it's alright" I stated pulling myself on my feet bending down to grab my belongings that fell. About to pick the last book my hand came in contact with another hand.

I quickly took my hand away from his and looked at him. "Umm can I get that?" I asked pointing at my notebook and where his hand is.

"Sure here" he said giving it to me. I gave him a nod before turning around but he snatched my wrist. I turned around and gave him a confusing look before he opened his mouth.

"Where's social studies?"

He must be a new student I thought looking over at his figure. He had ash blonde hair, tall and had a long face that looks like a horse.

"Go to your right then you'll see biology then just across is English" I stated pointing directions so that he could understand me better. He only nodded with dumb found look.

"If you don't mind me asking but do you have a sense of direction?" I asked looking at the person I bumped into. He looked down with a little blush on his face.

"Of course I have" he snapped his blush still visible on the corners of his cheek. I gave out a hum walking past him to my locker. I placed my combo and inserted everything I didn't need only to grab the things I did need.

When I closed the locker door I jumped seeing the dude a while ago standing next to me.

"You could've given me a heart attack!" I shouted holding onto my still fast beating heart. I took a deep inhale and glared at him.

"What was that for?" I asked completely composed of myself as I glared at him.

"I'm Jean and sorry but I don't . . . really know. . ." He stopped at the end looking at me expectedly to know that I caught on what he was saying.

"Hi I'm Eren" I said unsure, looking around to see people some people walking pass us. "And. . . yeah sure I'll help you"


"Hey Levi" I said waving at him. He was on the gazebo silently eating his food. He gave me a nod and looked away from me. I silently sat next to him a few inches just for privacy.

"So. . ." I dragged looking at him intently "why were you so pissy that one call?" I asked, making a little closer to Levi. I was met with silence so I continued again.

"Did something bad happen?" Silence.

"Is it because of me?" Silence.

It was awkward to say the least so I unwrapped my burrito and started nibbling on it. After a couple more minutes I opened my mouth to start a conversation but kept myself quiet.

"Who was that guy?" He suddenly asked his tone harsh glaring at the gorgeous scenery. Poor scenery

"Huh?" I turned to look at Levi with a questioning look before it rained on me.

"O-oh He was a new student I guess" I shrugged looking at the other way. Actually appreciating the scenery and not glare at it. 

"You guess" he snapped his tone really harsh. In my peripheral I saw his brows furrow in a scowl. His atmosphere dark.

"Yeah I mean he looked like it"

"Jesus Eren what if he was a serial killer"

"Well he didn't look like it" I grumbled under my breath before looking back at him "more importantly how did you know?" I asked looking at as I tilted my head at him.

He gave me a scoff before officially meeting my gaze "I saw you talking to him"

"Why are you so pissy?" I asked my previous previous question again.

"Of course I'm pissy it's Monday. And besides seeing you with him made it worse" he declared his last sentence above a whisper making me blush.

Stop it Eren I thought scolding myself as I shook the thought of Levi liking me and just gave a small smile.

His hand moved towards my own and entangled his fingers with mine. Suddenly my heart began beating faster, my cheeks burned and my stomach began churning as if butterflies were inside.

This must be because of my head ache I thought looking at our entangled hands. I carefully raised my head to look at Levi. He tighten his grip on my hand and smiled.

His ten thousand dollar smile for only me to see. And as quick as it happened my heart began beating faster than when he held my hand, my checks must've looked like a tomato and the butterflies in my stomach began making a tornado inside me.

Yup definitely the head ache


Its been a while since I posted on this book

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