Cinnamon roll

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Eren's POV

My toes hit the sand making me feel a little satisfied at how soft it is in between my toes . Suddenly I was running near the ocean waves waiting for the waves end to hit me before cowering back squealing.

I kept doing this for a while until I heard a soft silky voice call me name. "Eren" I looked over at the voice to see a person identical to me but had yellow-orange like eyes and long brown hair that's in a loose ponytail in her side giving me the most sincere smile.

"Mom!!" I yelled running behind her "mom!! Look the sea it's beautiful." Basically bouncing on my feet I pushed my mother near the water. She gave a soft hum before looking back at me.

"Eren sweetie we should return to the hut and eat it's already 12" she reminded me, before picking me up and making me take a seat next to her.

"But mommy!!!" I whined puffing my cheeks looking the other way.

"Here" she said smiling at me giving me a strawberry cake "dads cooking the barbecue but he won't mind if both of us will eat this first I mean you are the birthday boy." Mom said smiling at me as she passed me a plate of strawberry cake.

"Yup!!" I replied enthusiastically expected from a child


I yawned opening my eyes to hear the soft crashing of waves. Wiping the tiredness off my eyes as I looked over at the curtain to see it was morning. I stood up walking down stairs to find no one but the empty clean kitchen and decided to make myself a cup of warm coffee.

I was walking at the balcony and looked over at the view before. Between anywhere in this beach this is the most best place to relax, I thought taking another sip from my cup.

I stayed there for a while before walking back to the kitchen to clean my cup. Walking back to my room I checked my phone to receive a call from Levi, making me call him back . I placed the device near my ear.

"Hello Levi why did you want to call me in this time of—"

"Eren tell me what to wear" he quickly cut me off as I remembered that he had a date with Petra.

"Didn't I tell you that it should be something your comfortable at wearing" I reminded going up stories to the balcony.

"Yeah but she's picky" he said kinda annoyed

"If she's picky then she's your picky princess" he teased looking over at the sea.

"She's not mine" he snapped as I raised an eyebrow "yet" I laughed at the end of his sentence.

"Yet Levi!! Really" I wheezed holding the phone near my ear.  "Okay. . . Okay" I said trying to regain my breathing.

"Then what those she want you to wear if you were ever her."

"Pink" He said in a monotone tone with a hint of disgust lingering. As I on the other line try not to laugh

"I never knew Levi Ackerman could joke" I teased laughing, practically feeling Levi pissed at the other line. "Shit up brat" he snapped again.

"How many times have I told you to stop calling me brat it's annoying" I whined leaning on the edge.

"Well you should be happy since your my brat" I replied casually. Making me feel flustered.

"Levi are you sick?" I asked worried of his health "you never say those stuff." I said again feeling myself wanting to rant.

"Because if you are I suggest for you to eat medicine and cook yourself some warm food. Most presumably soup. And you can call Petra and tell her your sick. Also make sure to check your temperature once in a while to make sure if it's going down. And never ever I mean ever overwork yourself who knows what of semester break is done and I'm back there I find out one of my friends are dead. I can afford to have that and . . . and—" I was cut of by Levi saying a firm 'shut up'.

"First I'm not sick second stop being such a mom and third I mean it" he explained sighing at the end

"Technically I'm not yours" Eren explained.

"Yeas you are since your my brat meaning your my one and only friend" he said as if he recited this before. Making the brunette laugh

"Levi there is no such thing as my only friend"

In the other line the brunette heard a brief 'damn shitty glasses' before brining a fake cough.

"Sorry then just forget about it" he said sounding annoyed still by this 'shitty glasses'.

"No it's okay I don't mind at all" Eren said not really minding at all about the nickname.

"Well if I'm your brat then what about Armin?" Eren teased. Hearing a huff of disapproval from the other line

"You mean that devil of a coconut?" He asked not really liking the topic about Armin.

"His an innocent cinnamon roll" Eren pointed out, hearing another huff at the other line.

"The little piece of what you call a cinnamon roll threatened Bertholdt Hoover looking like he wanted to kill him." he countered making Eren laugh.

"Anyway back on the topic" Levi said before he continued "what should I wear?"

Eren was silent as he looked at the sea "well. . ." He started thinking before he smiled "I think personally that you would look good in anything that's not pink, yellow, and violet."

"Helpfull" Levi said in a sarcastic voice rolling his eyes in the other line.

"I mean it" Eren said truthfully laughing at the end of his sentence.


Is this good for a Riren moment or something?

Or am I rushing this or is this full of cringe?

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