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Eren's POV

Before I knew it, I started eating lunch at the gazebo or at the balcony, away from some social contact. I haven't seen Levi much, so I stared eating with Armin. Which isn't that bad, since Levi's probably busy with Petra or class. I was just reading at the gazebo while holding onto my Diet Coke when suddenly I felt two hands cover my eyes. "Guess who this is" I held onto the hands that were covering my eyes and pushed them, only to hear him say something again "I said guess who this is"
"Armin really this is just stupid"
I said holding onto the hands that were covering my eyes and pushed them away. I turned my head to see him smiling at me with sadness. "What's wrong?" I asked moving to give him space to seat.

"It's just you're doing what you were doing before" I raised an eyebrow "what is it exactly ?"
"You know . . . reading more and more"
I raised an eyebrow "who told you that" I asked perplexed at where he knew or who. "Levi told me," Before I could answer, he started talking again "he told me before that when you were a 'brat', you read and study, like study things children have problems learning like physics, geometry, etc. To make It blunt you just study in advanced and never have friends" I thought about it and remember when dad was away working overseas, and I would go to his room, borrow some of his books that's advanced, and read it even though it's not for normal children. But that's the thing I wasn't like them because my dad would teach me teenagers learn but I would still understand. Like it's second nature.

I even remember when I was 8 years old, one of the teachers asked me what I was reading and they were so surprised when I said To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. When they contacted my dad I wasn't even surprised when I over heard him say 'that's my boy'. But I still kept reading and doing what I always do.

Until one day I met Levi who was at the same school as me but different grade and class. We started with simple greetings but then, we kept talking and I eventually stopped reading those 'advanced' books and just started with what we learn. Those simple addition, subtraction, and division, I didn't even care that I stopped with those advanced reading, if anything those are some of the reasons why some of my classmates didn't want to be friends.

I didn't know how long I was just there daydreaming about my childhood. Until I heard my name being called out. I blinked and saw Armin's concerned face, his blue orbs directly looking at my eyes. "Oh well, I guess old habits die hard." I replied, he just looked at me with concern evident in his eyes.
"So . . ." He started sitting next to me "where's Levi" I shrugged my shoulders continuing to read.
"Probably with Petra trying to win her heart or doing school work" I answered, still looking at my book.

It was an Econ textbook. Within ten minutes, I was reading chapter one, a yellow pad half covered with notes beside me. It was so easy. Academics, like an old friend, had just waited patiently for me, and returning to it felt safe and right. The sound you could only hear was some students chatting, the wind and food being eaten by my side, I was glad Armin didn't start a conversation, since I was practically absorbed at my book.
Studying was my strength, one thing I did well, no matter what else was going badly. I didn't even know why I stopped but thinking it now, the only face I could think of was Levi.


Instead of me going to talk and have social interaction with Levi, Armin or anyone else for that matter, I just walked home as soon as the bell rang. And continued reading other books from my dads room. It was soundless just how it was before. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I got to my feet, walking to the door expecting Armin, but to my surprise it was Levi. Just like before he jumped on me and hugged my waist. Ok this is concerning i thought, pushing him off me. "What's wrong did something happen between you and Petra?" I asked still concerned. But he stayed silent and started walking to my plopping himself on my couch. I sighed this is gonna be a long evening.

"So your telling me that you, messed up Big time on trying to win Petra?" I asked Levi for clarification, as he just nodded groaning. Myself sitting beside him "Ok . . ." I said nodding my head "What did you even do?" I asked still confused, what did Levi do so bad that he messed up?
"Pink" he answered one simple word: pink, managed to make Levi mess up so bad. "Pink. . .?" I clarified still confused.
"She asked if I wanted to go shopping with her," he started, I just nodded a signal for him to continue which he did "and when she was buying clothes, she asked what's better coral or blush pink" I looked at him confused at what he was saying
"I know, I don't even understand" he said "so what did you do?". This time he sighed shaking his head "I didn't know the difference so I asked" I raised an eyebrow about to question but he cut me off "I asked what the difference was, and when I did she looked and me in disbelief and started saying shit and now I lost a chance". I didn't know what to expect so instead of me patting his back giving him supportable words I laughed. "OH my Gosh over all the things you could've done it's was about clothes. Not only that but PINK" I said still laughing "how can something like that lose your chance," I continued laughing, while saying this.
"Listen Levi it's not that bad you could just apologize I mean we're only guys it's not like we understand" I replied by this time not laughing and wheezing, but did fall of the couch. It took a moment for him to think this through but when he did, he chuckled —a light hearted chuckle— making me chuckle with him. "Now come on help me get up" I demanded playfully, as I was sitting on the floor.

When he didn't and just looked down on me in a dream like state, I rolled me eyes propping myself up and pulled Levi onto the floor.

Ok maybe I should've thought that Levi was heavier than me even though I was taller. And also stronger than me. Because the moment I pulled him I fell. Levi was on top of me and my legs in between him. Soon Levi blinked out of his dream state. "Umm. . ." he started looking at me. Feeling flustered at what I did.

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