Nothing more nothing less

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Eren's POV

Gosh this feels so good, I thought as I placed my feet onto the white sand. Closing my eyes for a brief second, enjoying the sun as it pours onto my skin.

Standing up I strolled though the beach not daring to wear flip flops, as I had a strange addiction of liking to feel stuff in between my toes like sand or maybe orbeez.

After a couple of minutes I decided to call it a day and walk back to the beach house. Opening the door I was greeted with the emptiness of the house. Running up the stairs I went straight to the bathroom.





Grabbing my phone I read the caller ID as Levi. Quickly accepting the call I was expecting on what happened on their date but was met with a disappointing sigh.

"Hey Levi what's wrong?" I asked concerned for his well being

"Yeah. . ."

"Is everything alright?" I asked again

"Yeah just a little stressed" he sighed, making me imagine that he was stroking his hair back.

"So. . ." I started not really knowing what to say but continued anyway "how was your date?"

"Awful" my eyes grew wide as saucers. I opened my mouth to say something but was left nothing. I opened and closed my mouth again until I managed to speak but half of my mind was still processing this that I couldn't even talk proper english anymore.

"Me. . . don't understand. . . understanding hard. . ."

On the other line he let out a log sigh.

"Look I'll call you when I'm not in a pissy mood so later" he said he didn't even let me say goodbye before he ended the call. Why did he even call if he was actually not in anyway wanting any social interaction I thought sadly.

Quickly dropping the subject I headed towards the kitchen and made myself some PB&J. I made sure to make another one and wrap it in plastic wrap for Dad if he decides on going here today.

Going back up my room I laid down and engulfed myself in the warm, soft and luxurious blanket.  I unintentionally let out a moan and buried myself in it.


Slowly opening my eyes I looked around my room and saw nothing but pitch darkness. But I did hear something in the kitchen. Wait kitchen?!. I bolt up in the sheets and silently creeped down stairs.

Did I close the door? I mean yeah I slept until night but that doesn't mean that I didn't close the door right?

Hearing utensils clatter, I took a deep breath and looked over to find a weapon. A vase was neatly placed in the corner of the room. Silently walking towards it I began walking back down. I held onto the planvase as tightly as I could as took another breath. Opening my eyes I exhaled all of the air.

"Ahhhhh!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, all the while holding the vase on top of my head ready to smash it onto someone. That was my plan until I heard an all to familiar scream.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" The stranger shouted back.

I opened one of my eyes and saw my father having his hands over his head for protection with his eyes closed tightly. I took a deep exhale and silently placed the vase back down. Turning back to my father to see him still in the same position.

"What in Maria's name were you doing Dad I could've killed you!" I shouted

Finally opening his eyes he looked at me and let out a relieved sigh before answering back

"I was grabbing a snack!"

"Well when you decide to go here at least give me a call!" I shouted

"I did I even texted you!" He shouted back which is weird since he's always calm and collected

"Well I was sleeping and besides you almost gave me a heart attack!"

After our little shouting fest I finally calmed down holding my still beating heart. I sat in a chair holding my head and looked at my Dad who sat at the opposite direction as me.

"Jesus Christ" I mumbled "Jesus fucking Christ what have I done to you? is it about not being supportive much about things with Levi and Armin?" I asked to however I can reach.

After a couple of minutes my dad decided to break to pregnant silence

"So it was nice for you to make me some sandwich" he said, his professional voice back.

I just nodded "so who's Levi and Armin?" He asked, as he took a bite of food. I was silent if I should tell him or not. After a bit of quarrel with myself I decided to just tell him.


"So there your friends?" He questioned looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes" I responded nodding my head

"So your helping levy—" he started but I cut him off "Levi" "—right Levi to get this girl?" He questioned looking at me to expectedly which I just nodded my head.

"But" he started again looking at me "he said that his first date with her was awful making you concerned"

Again I nodded he sighed "son maybe he met someone he hates that's why it was awful or maybe he was friend zoned. But either way you gotta stop being concerned at him it's not good for your looks." He said his back straight with his hands folded together.

I knew that being concerned at him won't help since it's not really my business but I just can't help it. "I know" I said with my head down.

"Eren why do you care so much for him?" Dad asked looking at my with a piercing gaze. I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out. Dad sighed again before looking at me with warm eyes.

"Do you like him"

What kind of question was that? Of course I like him his my friend for Christ sake.

Before I could answer he cut me off again

"Not the friend like kind the like-like kind"

To say I was speech less was an understatement I was shocked, flabbergasted and above all confused. Why would he say that of course not. But to my dismay the thought of being with Levi didn't mind me at all, it just made me feel warm inside.

Gosh that sounded so cheesy I opened my mouth and closed it probably looking like a fish out of water.

"No" I said my statement barely a whisper "he's just a friend nothing more nothing less"

JUST FRIENDS RIGHT? £RIREN£Where stories live. Discover now