Chapter 4 - It's nothing

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"Is that you.......?" 

"Anon?" the waitress said.

I didn't think she'd be here. Wait... that would mean that she works here right?

"Anon?" The waitress calls.

"Ahh..Um...." I hesitate to answer back. Shouldn't her identity be kept a secret to others? Wouldn't she be troubled if the people around us right now were to know who she is?? Wait wait... It's not like I have to announce it to everyone here but...

"Anon, you should really look at the person that's trying to talk to you" The waitress said.

"Yeah....." I answered back.

"I knew it!" Aya said with a surprised look.

"What are the odds that you're working here? I didn't think that you'd be a fast food employee, let alone working" I replied.

"Anon! That's so mean! Did you really think I was that useless?!" Aya retorted.

"Not really, I just thought that you were those type to do more idol stuff, or do more work in the studio rather than working here" I replied. I honestly didn't think Aya would work here. Judging from her reputation, she's a rather known idol from a band named "Pastel Palettes".

"Mind if I butt in?" Hibiki said. I totally didn't mean to exclude him in the conversation.

"Ohh sorry, Aya, this is my friend Hibiki. Hibiki, Aya" I introduced them to each other.

"Wasn't my introduction a bit short?" Aya retorted.

"I think I am helping you out here so don't bother" I said. I really didn't want her to get troubled with all the commotion that could stir up if she get's recognized.

"Maruyama...Aya-san??" Hibiki asked.

"Yes, I am Maruyama Aya! Always shining with vibrant colors~" Aya replied. I take it that that's her catch phrase.

"It's the real deal! Nice to meet you!" Hibiki said as he shook Aya's hand.

"Nice to meet you to~" Aya said and gave Hibiki a cute smile.

Hibiki blushed a bit. heh.

"I didn't think you would stay this calm" I asked him.

"Wouldn't it trouble Aya-san if I freaked out about meeting her right now?" Hibiki said.

Thank goodness someone was catching up to me.

"That's really gonna be a problem. But, they don't know I'm from an idol band group just yet! Everyone I've encountered hasn't recognized me yet!" Aya proudly said that.

That's actually a bit sad.

"So how did you meet Anon Aya-san?" Hibiki asked her.

"Wait a second, aren't you working right now? Aren't we disturbing you?" I stated.

"But I wanna know what happened badly!" Hibiki said. Gosh this guy can be a real idiot sometimes. I smirked.

"Don't worry, It appears that my shift ended just a few seconds ago!" Aya said.

Darn you time!

"Would you guys mind if I sit with you?" Aya asked.

Hibiki gave me a smug-looking smile.

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