Chapter 8 - Relations

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"I should probably get going then" I said to them.

I mean... I don't really have anymore reason to be here. I best be on my way.

Actually.... What was I supposed to do anyways?

"Aww you're leaving already?" Hina sadly exclaimed with a pout on her face. Is she insisting I stay?

"Why don't you stay and watch us practice?" Eve suggested.

"That'd be a great idea! That would help Aya-san and her stage fright!" Maya said energetically.

"Stage fright?!" Aya retorted as if she doesn't know that she this.

"Well... If it would help us in a good way, I wouldn't mind Anon-san staying here" Chisato said.

These girls....

"Are you supposed to be somewhere Anon-kun?" Aya asked.

Actually.... Now that I think about it, I don't really have elsewhere to be.

"Not really, I was just wandering around" I replied.

"Wandering around you say..." Aya exclaimed.

"We should get back to practice! You can go ahead and sit down on the sofas over there for now!" Hina happily suggested.

And so I did. I watched them practice.

I must say... They're really good. They have their own different charms, different charisma, and they have their own set of traits that makes them stand out.

Hina and her jolly but crazy guitar skills makes her take the spotlight on some parts of the song.

Chisato and her cool and elegant bass playing contrasts with the Hina's moves.

Eve and her natural smile makes her noticable as she plays melodical synths.

Maya and her powerful drumming keeps everyone's spirit high and up. It even gets me into the song more.

And Aya and her attention catching moves. She's cute and knows how to get the attention of the audience, And her vocals are really something as well.

They finished practice and walks towards me.

"So, what did you think Anon-kun?" Aya asked me.

"You guys are really good" I said.

"Ehhh, that was such a plain reaction!" Eve said.

Was I supposed to give a better one?!

"Uhhh well... You guys compliment each other. Sure, you may all play your instruments differently and act differently, but when it comes down to harmony... I'd say you guys got what it takes to become really great idols" I said.

Was that...too much?

"Is it really?" Flustered Maya asked.

"I guess Hina gave a boppin' performance!" Hina said.

The door opened, and the lady I met earlier came in.

"I see you girls are done with practice. Oh, and is that Anon-kun I see?" The lady asked

"Yes! I delivered what you asked me to deliver!" I confirmed her as if I was some kind of soldier speaking to his superior.

"Aya-san, why don't you use this opportunity to introduce us your friend here?" The manager said.

"Oh yes, this is Anon, a friend of mine. He's also the person that saved me from being attacked back then..." Aya said.

"Wait you are?!" The manager then walked up to me and took my hand. "Thank you so much for saving our Aya! We wouldn't have known what to do if you weren't there..." The manager said as she tried to hold back her tears.

Uhmm... I'm glad that I was there to her rescue.

"Thank you for saving Aya, Anon-kun" Chisato said and bowed.

"U-Uhh... It's alright! I'm thankful that I was there." I replied.

Aya is just standing there, flustered at my display.

"Though I must say.... Anon has such a nice body build~" Hina said as she clings her arms around mine.

"H-Hina?!" Aya retorted.

"W-Well... I used to do karate" I said.

"That explains why you're rather muscular" Chisato said.

I shyly laughed.

To be honest this much attention.... Pressure's me.... But they don't, apparently...

"Anon-kun, do you happen to have a job already?" The manager asked.

"No, I haven't gotten one yet" I replied.

"Would you like to work for us?" The manager asked.

The girls were all shocked.

"W-Work for us?! What do you mean?" Aya asked.

"Would you like to work as a private bodyguard to Aya?" The manager asked once more.

"P-Private bodyguard...?!" I retorted.

I don't know... The manager seems serious here. Being able to watch over Aya whenever she would go out is a good thing... I would be able to protect her if so but... Wouldn't that be rather awkward? Would Aya event want something like that?

"Don't worry, this won't affect your studies and you'll still have time for yourself. We'll pay you good. The perks in this is that you always have a cute girl on by your side" The manager winked after that.

Okay... Maybe she's not so serious at all, but she does want to offer me this job...

"Well.... If Aya is okay with it... I guess I can" I said.

The girls were even more shocked.

"This is escalating quickly..." Maya said.

"What do you say Aya?" The manager asked her.

And after giving it some thought...

"T-that's fine w-with me...." Aya said while stuttering about.

What was that all about?

"Are you really sure about this Aya? Won't it be awkward or uncomfortable for you?" I asked her.

She looks away for a bit, but then smiles.

"If it's you, I'd feel much safer" Aya said.

That's... Nice to know.

"Aya fired her shots!" Hina said.

"I guess... It'll be nice working with you" I said.

"Please take care of me~" Aya said.

"Great! Now that that's settled... Come with me to my office so we can get you to sign papers and stuff so you can start immediately" The manager said.

I agreed and we left the room.

Aya dropped. She covered her face.

"How could I have said all those stuff...!?!?!" Aya said.

"How bold of you Aya-san!" Maya said.

"That's not how things are!" Aya replied.

"Aya... Blushing won't get you out of this one" Chisato said while giving her a sarcastic smile.

"Oh c'mon!!!!!" Aya retorted.

- To be continued -

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