Chapter 27 - Aspirations

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Her glorious pink hair mixed with the sweet and mature aroma of the café. It's captivating. In fact, if anyone would offer me a million Yen to trade places with me, I'd decline and give them a million Yen back.

No, I'm not letting anyone else have this moment. Wait, what the hell am I thinking??

Our coffee was served to us along with Aya's strawberry shortcake and my chocolate frosted donut.

(The amount of calories....)

She whips out her phone to take a picture. Probably for her personal blog.

Speaking of, even I have been following her on her personal blog. She posts about the most random of things sometimes though, but I find that very very adorable.

She's too blinding right now AAAAAAAAAAA
I can't look at her.

Aya's P.O.V

I'll definitely get this on my blog for todays updates! This cake looks delicious too!

While I was indulging on how nice these are, Anon was...

Looking out the window.

Honestly, it gives off such a professional aura about him.

His eyes looks like it's lonely. But at the same time, he seems like someone who has something very important that he wants to protect.




His collar bone is.... WAIT NO, MARUYAMA AYA!

"A-Anon! Your shirt button is!" I told him about it while I was desperately trying to not look.

"Oh, sorry! It was a little hot outside earlier, so I unbuttoned it." He said as he quickly buttons it.

What is wrong with me... I can't focus....

"Although, I gotta say Aya, your disguise look a little funny" Anon says as he tries to hide his chuckle badly.

"Y-You think so?! But it works I tell you!" I retaliated.

"A hat, and sunglasses with a face mask. I gotta hand it to you, you find the most amazing ways to stand out~" Anon added.

Why is he teasing me all of a sudden?!

"I-I just don't want my plans to be spioeld today!" I said. And messed up. Why?!

He laughs.

But his laugh isn't that kind of laugh where you'd be offended. He looks so happy right now, so I went ahead and laughed with him.


The rest of our coffee date went on smoothly. We talked about what it's like working on the same team and company, what we like and dislike, and we even found out that we have some things in common!

"Omelette! Right??? Amazing food!" I said.

"It seems you understand the greatness of the Omelette!" Anon replies.

Honestly, we went at it for a long while.


"I want to shine. I want to be able to make people smile. I admire people that can give people hope and the will to continue onwards, I want to become like that." I said.

"I know. It took you three years before you finally found a home and be an idol with Pasu*Pare am I right?" Anon said.

"3 years of being a probational idol. You're clumsy, and you have a bit of stage fright. And you're bad with improvisation." He added.


"But, I think that's what make people want to support you so much. You've come a long way, and I think your story is still slowly unfolding! I'm sure you'll be a great idol Aya!" He added some more.

Wait up......

" do you know about all of this stuff?" I asked him.

"W-Well uhh... The internet has a lot of information you see...." He replied.

I laugh.

"I'm sorry! W-What's so funny??" He sounded so panicky.

"You seem to be a very big fan of mine huh?" I asked.

"Well I uhhh..." He embarrassingly admits.

Although there's no reason to be embarrassed.

"What about you Anon? What are your goals?" I asked him.

"Well... As long as you promise not to laugh." He said.

"I won't!" I replied.

"I want to be able to support someone. I want to be able to grow with someone until the day I see them reach their biggest dreams! I have dreams of my own of course. But there's someone I'd like to give my all to. I'd like that person to know that I'm with them every step of the way. Whether it be through success or failure or through good or bad. Because this person once saved me..." He said.


"Sorry! I bantered on for too long! It's a little embarrassing really!" He said.

"Is this someone a person you like?" I asked him. I had to ask him. No matter what.

"Yes. I've liked her for a while now actually..." He said.

Anon.... Has someone he likes...... I see.

"Ohhh, I hope it goes well for you!" I told him.

"Wait, Aya-san... Do you happen to have someone you like...?" He asked me in return.

"I'm an idol, so I don't personally like anyone specific. I love every single one of my fans that support me~" I said.

I lied. Both to him and to myself.

I couldn't tell him that I've had feelings for someone. And I couldn't tell him that I've been in love with him for a while now.

This is so frustrating...

Anon's P.O.V

Just now. I don't know if it was just me but...

Aya, faked a smile.

What's happening? She's been keeping up a fake smile ever since I asked her if she liked someone...

As it turns out, she doesn't like anyone at the moment. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but...

I can't sit well with this atmosphere.

"Aya-san, is there something wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing at all! Although..." She said.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"I have to go. I also have plans with Chisato-chan today! Sorry!" She apologized.

"Oh, that's okay! It does seem like we've been here for quite a while already! I hope I didn't impede on your schedule with her!" I said.

Why is this so frustrating?.

"Don't worry! I'll make it! Sorry if I have to leave before you Anon! Take care!" She said.

That was the last thing she said to me that day.

That smile, it felt sad. Excruciatingly sorrow from the inside. It wasn't the Aya that I had come to know...

What happened...?

- To be Continued -

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