106⚜️Theo Raeken

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You look at Theo with a clear look of disbelief as part of you wants to believe you might be dreaming but the other knows you aren't

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You look at Theo with a clear look of disbelief as part of you wants to believe you might be dreaming but the other knows you aren't.

"I-I...this isn't possible....this isn't happening. You-you are supposed to be...dead." You say in disbelief as the words tumble out of your  mouth as your brain tries to take this all in

"I have to be dreaming." You mutter softly as you continue to stare in shock at Theo not wanting to believe your eyes at this moment.

Theo can't help but smile a little as well as let a small happy chuckle escape his lips. Theo couldn't help but let his happiness of seeing you again nor the fact he found your reaction adorable show through. Theo though obviously didn't notice that your shocked reaction wasn't going to pass just to reveal one of happiness.

"You aren't, princess, this is real. I'm actually back." Theo replies which is when you look at the others as if you want them to confirm Theo's state

"You aren't dreaming." confirms Scott in a gentle tone which is when you take a slight step back causing Theo's smile to falter a bit

"I'm...this can't be...I got to go." You stumble out as a million thoughts race through your head

"Y/N-" Theo starts as you shortly glance at him before you swiftly rush out the door, not being able to stand to be around Theo anymore

"This...oh my gosh." You breathe out once you got into the car as bad memories soar through your mind before you finally drive away

Later that night, Theo sat in the corner of Liam's room after the Pack decided that Theo had to stay with the Dunbar boy due to him being Liam's responsibility. Though Theo should be sleeping, he just couldn't seem to since he was too busy thinking about you.

Theo knew that a little before he died, he wasn't the best friend ever to you but he didn't think he had anything to make you run at the sight of him. Theo knew that he had let his hunger for power hurt the two of you's friendship. He knew that the two of you weren't as close then. Before coming to Beacon Hills, the two of you were as close as can be, you never left each other's side and told each other everything. Once you two arrived, the two of you drifted a little nothing Theo thought he couldn't fix. Theo knew he was busy trying to hurt the McCall Pack to really be a good friend to you but you were still friends back then. You still did almost everything together...but maybe you didn't tell everything to each other back then. Theo didn't know what he did but he was sure determined to find out.

I'm going to get her back. Theo thinks with determination

You sat on your couch in your studio apartment ignoring the movie playing on your tv as you were trying to sort through the millions of thoughts rushing through your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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