63⚜️Brett Talbot⚜️

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You walk hand in hand with your boyfriend, Brett, chatting as the two of you head out of Devenford Prep where you were at studying for the big upcoming history exam

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You walk hand in hand with your boyfriend, Brett, chatting as the two of you head out of Devenford Prep where you were at studying for the big upcoming history exam.

Brett was focused on you until an arrow flying right next to his his head catching his attention.

"What was that?" You ask with wide eyes

"Stay behind me." instructs Brett on full alert as he moves to stand in front of you

"What's going on?" You question with a mixture of fear and confusion in your voice

Brett looks around and growls as a man appears holding a crossbow. Your eyes widen as your fear grows.

"Run!" yells Brett as he crunches down while his eyes now grow golden

"I'm not leaving you." You say with a shake of your head

"Go!" growls Brett turning to you showing you his golden eyes for the first time

Your eyes widen as you see his eyes before you run off.

What the? How-how was Brett's eyes gold? You think as you speed towards your car

You had no clue that Brett was a werewolf. You guys haven't been dating for that long but Brett really likes you so Brett didn't want to scare you off. He didn't know how you would react.

Brett showed up at your door hours later with cuts covering him and blood stained on his clothes. Brett lets out a small groan as he nods on your door.

"Brett, what was-" You start as you open the door until you notice the state Brett is in

"Oh my gosh." You say as you usher Brett in

"Okay, just sit here." You say setting him down before you run off to grab some warm water and a washcloth

Brett continues to groan as you wipe the blood off of him.

"Let me get some bandaids." You say as you stand up until Brett grabs your hand stopping

"Don't they are already starting to heal." says Brett causing you to scrunch your brows up in cofnjsed

"What? Brett it-" You start until you watch as a cut visibly and quickly heals up causing your eyes to widen

"Are you alien or something?" You question taking a step away from the giant sized boy letting go of his hand

"No, Y/N....I'm not an alien, I'm a werewolf." admits Brett as he stands up

"What?" You question

Brett lets out a sigh before he moves his head down. He looks back up with his werewolf fangs and teeth on full display.

"Oh my gosh, my boyfriend is a werewolf." You breathe out with your jaw dropped in surprise

"Yeah." chuckles Brett softly as his werewolf features disappear

"So who was that guy at the school?" You ask

"A hunter." explains Brett

You nod your head as Brett grows nervous.

"So you still want me to be your boyfriend?" asks Brett worriedly

"Yeah, I do, you are still Brett the guy I like...you being a werewolf doesn't change that." You say causing the worry to immediately disappear from Brett

"Good, because I really, really like you, Y/N." says Brett with a smile

You chuckle at his cuteness as you place your hands on Brett's chest before you lean up and press your lips to his.

How did I get so lucky?

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