31⚜️Liam Dunbar (Requested)

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Requested by @Maary_Morrin

Everyone was tired of it including Stiles who at first found this situation totally hilarious but now just wants to kill both of you to stop it

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Everyone was tired of it including Stiles who at first found this situation totally hilarious but now just wants to kill both of you to stop it. Liam and Mary have feelings for each other that are obvious to everyone but apparently each other. Liam thinks that Mary likes Scott and Mary thinks that Liam has feelings for Hayden. Both of those assumptions can't be farther from the truth since Liam thinks of Hayden as a little sister and Mary is only close with Scott because he is her friend slash her Alpha.

The pack deciding that the two of them are never going to confess their feelings on their own, the pack decided that it's time that they step in and give the two a  small push.

"Hey, guys so why are we-oh Hey, Liam where's everyone else?"  Mary question confused as only the blue-eyes beta and her are in the building where Scott said to meet for an emergency Pack meeting

"I...I don't know." nervously answers Liam who always gets this way when he is alone

Mary starts to say something which is when suddenly the door behind her slams shut making them both jump.

"What the-?" The two betas say in unison looking at each other surprised before they rush to the door

"It's locked." says Liam almost breathless as the two of them look at each other worried

"What's going?" asks Mary to no  one particular and as if someone had heard the brunette's words a voice is then when a voice is heard answering the question

"Well, well it looks our plan to trap Scott McCall's precious betas has worked. You wolves better be smart because if you aren't well then you will meet your ends due to the bombs placed around the building to go off in about....5 or so minutes. So  good luck." says the voice that sounds like it came from over a megaphone that is followed by an evil laugh
Liam and Mary stand stunned for a second before Mary quickly starts freaking out.

"Oh, my gosh. We are going to die. Oh my gosh." says Mary freaking out and starts to pace around until Liam grabs her hand stopping her from pacing around

"Okay, Mary, we need to stay focus. We-we have to figure out how to get out of here." says Liam who was not going to let him and the girl he has feelings for just get taken out without at least fighting back

Mary takes a deep breath trying to calm herself down while Liam tries hard to not show how much he is freaking out inside. Mary also too busy trying to keep calm to notice how great Liam holding her hand feels even though Liam definitely notices.

"Y-yeah, your right, let's-let's figure out a way out here." says Mary which is when the two start to scramble around the building trying to find a way out of there

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