37⚜️Liam Dunbar

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y/f/n=your friend's name

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y/f/n=your friend's name

Liam Dunbar walks into the library with a small smile on his face feeling quite happy until your voice causes his smile to drop.

"Of course, I still love him....but I don't know. It just seems like he has been secrets from me." You explain to your friend unaware that your boyfriend is listening in to your private conversation

"Y/N...You guys haven't been on a date in a month and you think he is keeping secrets from you. Maybe...Liam's cheating on you, Y/N." says your friend trying to be gentle with how she says her words

Why did she have to say that? I'm not doing that, I would never do that to Y/N. Thinks Liam before worry sets in, thinking you might think your friend has a point

"I don't know, y/f/n that just doesn't seem like something Liam would do." You insist hesitantly with a shake of your head

A small sigh of relief instantly leaves Liam's mouth at your words.

"Y/N, come on, all signs point to it. He is always hanging out with that Hayden girl or those senior girls. Liam is always busying and never seems to have time for you. Plus there were rumors swirling around about Hayden and Liam hooking up, remember?" points out y/f/n causing Liam's face to return to one of worry

I wish she would have stopped talking. Thinks Liam as he sucks in a worried breath

"I guess...you could be right." You admit once you think it over causing Liam face to drop as well as his stomach

Scott was right I should have just told her. Why am I so stupid? I'm going to lose her. Thinks Liam with worry and nervousness bubbling up in him

Your friend gives you a sympathetic looking as you look down sadly before she decides to change the subject.

I need to do something. I can't lose Y/N, she's my anchor and the girl I love. Thinks Liam feeling panic build up in his stomach

Liam stands outside your house fidgeting nervously waiting for you to open the door later that afternoon after school. You open the door a few seconds later, your eyes widening slightly as you see it's Liam.

Liam could feel the awkward and uncomfortable tension in the air.

"Hey, Liam...come in." You say forcing a smile on your face letting the blue-eyed boy inside

"Thanks." almost whispers Liam stepping inside before you shut the door

"So....um, what are you doing here?" You ask softly feeling even more uncomfortable currently due to the conversation you had earlier popping into your head

"Can't a boyfriend visit his dear girlfriend's house?" asks Liam jokingly trying to lighten the air

"Yeah, but you haven't for a while now." You reply softly not really meaning for your words to sound so rude

Liam feels a pang hit his heart at your comment.

I really screwed up. Thinks Liam as he realizes how badly he has hurt you

"I'm here because I need to tell you something." says Liam taking a step closer to you before he takes your hand in his

Liam subconsciously rubs his thumb in circles on your hand causing a small smile to slip onto your face.

"Look, I know, I...I haven't been around lately and I have been distance, but it's because I was trying to protect you. I thought keeping you in the dark was better than you getting involved. I-I thought if I told you, you would leave me, but it seems now that might happen anyway." says Liam softly saying the last sentence

"What....what are you talking about? What could you be doing that you would need to protect me from?" You question confused as you remove your hand from Liam's

Is Liam in a gang or something? You think that being the only sort of logical thing you can come up with right now

"I can show you better than I can tell you." replies Liam looking down at the ground

"What-" You start very confusedly but Liam showing you his golden eyes causing you to pause, trying to process everything

"Oh my gosh." You squeak out before his eyes return to their normal blue color

"What-oh, my. What-how did you do that?" You manage to stumble out

"I'm a werewolf, Y/N."


Okay,  To All The Boys' I've Loved Before is the best thing ever!! It was soo good. I'm definitely going to pick up the book! Peter and Lara Jean were the cutest couple ever honestly. They were soo adorable. Though I have to admit I felt bad for Josh throughout the movie not because he didn't end up with Lara though. I mean he got dump by his Gf then the same week he thinks things are cool between him and Lara, one of his best friends, then he gets a letter from her saying she loves him. Then proceeds to ignore him.  Like it just seemed like a stressful time for Josh.

But on another note, the hot tub scene was iconic and so cute as was the ending. I thought the whole soccer scene and her voice over saying she always thought she would fall in love in a field just didn't know it would be a lacrosse field (idk if that's the exact quote but you get the idea) was so cute. Also, I dislike Gen very much. Like she is mad about a spin the bottle kiss from seventh grade where Lara looked at her offered to spin again but only after Gen didn't agree very very quickly pecked Peter it's just like being mad about that is quite immature and she totally played with Peter's feelings throughout the film movie. Speaking of other characters in the movie besides the main character, who was the prep school dressed guy at the very end of the movie? Does this mean there will be a sequel? What will this mean for Peter and Lara Jean? I know there is a sequel to the book so hopefully, we get a sequel for the movie (even though it probably won't be as good as the first). Anyways this movie was amazing overall. Beautifully written and I think all the characters were great. Lara Jean and Peter had this very modernized take on the whole fake dating turned real cliche we all love.  Also, there was something about their relationship that had this real not so cheesy feel to it that I loved! If you hadn't seen it yet I 10/10 would recommend you do, it's fantastic.

Also, there will be a part 2!

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