79⚜️Scott McCall⚜️

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(Part three to Imagine 77)

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(Part three to Imagine 77)

"So here's the plan first we need to figure some things out about what the Mikaelsons and your little girlfriend are planning. They're coming for your pack next I hear and apparently, they also want me after they get your little group. So here is the deal we work as a team figure out what they are planning to take them out slash scared them out of town. You guys get your precious little Y/N back and neither of us has to leave in fear of the Mikaelson's getting us." plans Deucalion

"I want to see her." states Scott with a serious look through his statement makes Deucalion loudly sigh

"You can't. All we have on our side is the element of surprise and you seeing her might ruin or risk this. If you ruin it then we have nothing, nothing McCall!" exclaims Deucalion loudly slightly freaking out at the alpha not wanting to risk his plan

"I want to see her." firmly asserts Scott with a hard look with the pack joining in looking at Deucalion

"Fine we have to spy on them anyway but you get emotional and blow our cover, your dead meat." threatens Deucalion while pointing to Scott with a stern glare

"Deal." quickly says Scott with a tiny smile excited to see you again

Scott excited to finally see the girl he loves again.

You now sit downstairs on the couch in the living room squished behind Rebekah and Kol while Elijah and Nik stand in front of the three of you. You sit there a bit bored like Kol and Rebekah since you have been sitting there waiting for Nik to tell you what the plan is instead of rambling about his plans for the hybrids.

"Nik, enough with your theatrics just tell us what the damn plan is?" demands Kol annoyed letting out a sigh as he is still mad at Nik for ruining his time with you

Nik rolls his eyes at his brother's impatience.

"Okay, fine, this pack is full of high schoolers and we need to figure out when a good time that they are vulnerable so we can strike." starts to explain Nik

"How in bloody hell are we going to do that?" asks Rebekah confused causing Kol and you to now look at Niklaus with interest

"Well, let's just say it time for back to school shopping." answers Niklaus

"So...how-how are you feeling about the whole Y/N situation?" asks Lydia hesitantly as she looks at Scott with concern as she stands next to Stiles across from Scott

"What do you mean? Why are you guys looking at me like that? This is a time to celebrate, Y/N is back, she isn't dead. We can be together again and everything can go back to normal this is the best news I have ever heard. answers Scott with a smile

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