28⚜️Liam Dunbar (Requested)

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Requested by @Nix DunbarHale

Nicole was worried, well at this point, she is way past worried she is quite concerned

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Nicole was worried, well at this point, she is way past worried she is quite concerned. Her sweet and a little clingy boyfriend, Liam Dunbar, has spent the whole week recently ignoring her and when they did talk all Liam did was get nervous then find some excuse to bolt on her. Normally Liam is all over Nicole always wanted to hang out or walk her to class, so for this sudden and seemingly abrupt change to happen was worrying Nicole. Million of reasons to and possibilities of why Liam has been acting this way has been running through Nicole's head recently making her even more concern. Nicole is now so much so concerned that she had totally spaced on the fact that her birthday is tomorrow this week due to it.

What...what if the reason he is avoiding me is because he isn't in love with me anymore? Maybe the love for him has faded? Or maybe there is someone else? Maybe he is cheating on me! Nicole thinks while biting her lips nervously as she lays on her bed with the thoughts running through her head make her totally sick to her stomach

What if I'm right what if the guy I love doesn't love me anymore? What if he is cheating on me? What am I going to do then? thinks Nicole making sadness bubble up in her making Nicole's bottom lip quiver and causes her to try to suppress tears from pooling in her eyes

Liam stood in his room pacing around with only one thing on his mind at the moment.

How am I going to tell Nicole? thinks Liam while biting his nails nervously

Derek, Nicole's older brother, waltzes into her room on a mission to know if this year he had finally kept where and when her surprise birthday party is a secret. A game the two of them play each year on her birthday, each time it could be somewhere different and could range from in the morning to late at night, Nicole would snoop trying to figure out those two things and most of the time she would win the game by finding out the answer to those two questions.

"Hey, sis, so your birthday is tomorrow and have you figured out-" starts Derek until Nicole interrupts him

"Oh, my gosh, my birthday is tomorrow. I-I totally forgot. I-I haven't even tried to find out." Nicole interrupts with a gasp from where she lays on her bed

Derek grows confused at your words causing his brow to raise some since normally Nicole is too excited for the approaching day to even forget about it for even a second. Derek then cautiously sits down on the side of his sister's bed.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" asks Derek who then notices the chemo-signals of sadness and worry radiating off of Nicole in waves

Nicole lets out a puff of air as she sits up in her bed.

"It's just Liam has been acting weird lately. He has been avoiding me and when I finally got to talk to him this week he got all weird then bolted. You know how he normally is so-" Nicole starts to explain until Derek interrupts

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