13⚜️Liam Dunbar (Requested)

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Requested by @NixDunbarHale

Liam Dunbar is officially freaked out

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Liam Dunbar is officially freaked out.

Liam and Nicole have been dating for six months now. Nicole is a Hale so the two of them had to hide their relationship at the start from Nicole's big brother and her uncle as the two of them are crazy overprotective of her. They eventually found out, Peter freaked out threatening to kill Liam and Derek was unhappy about but he was more reasonable than Peter. Nicole didn't end up with the werewolf gene so unlike her siblings she is human.

Liam is officially freaking out because for the past three months things have been weird. Liam could feel Nicole's emotions, he could smell her from a distance that not even a werewolf should be able too, and during the wolf moon, he couldn't keep his hands off of Nicole, not in I-want-to kill-you way like what normally happens to Liam.

So Liam went to Scott and Stiles, the only people he thought could help him.

"So this all started happening after you and Nicole did the uh-" starts Scott trying to figure this all out

"Yeah." interrupts Liam nodding his head fastly

"Oh my gosh." says Stiles as the realization hits him

"What?" Liam questions very eager to understand what is going on

"Nicole's your mate." answers Stiles making both, Liam and Stiles's eyes widen

"What?" questions Liam and Scott confused

"I thought those weren't a real thing." adds Liam with a perplexed look

"They are, they are just extremely rare, but they are possible and you, my friend, are showing all the signs." says Stiles making Liam's eyes widen

Nicole-Nicole's my mate? Thinks Liam trying to process this all

"This is awesome." exclaims Stiles with a smile glad to finally see what a pair of werewolf mates in real life

"This is not awesome. Oh my gosh, Nicole is going to break up with me. We're only sixteen! How am I supposed to tell her that I'm her mate, her soulmate, the one she is destined to with forever? It's going to freak her out. She's soooo going to dump me. I can't lose Nicole, she's my anchor and my everything. What-" starts rambling Liam as panic sets in him until Scott placing a hand on his shoulder stops him from continuing

"Liam, breathe. Everything is going to be fine expect for the fact Derek and Peter might kill you....but Nicole isn't going to dump you." says Scott with a soft smile

"You-You sure?" squeaks out Liam scared

"Like 80% percent sure." answers Stiles making Scott and Liam again glare at him

Nicole walked out of Beacon Hills High School waiting for her brother to pick her up since she doesn't have her driver's license yet. Liam though calling her name stops her from going down the sidewalk.

"Nicole." breathes out Liam trying to catch his breath as he had ran all the way from the locker room after gym which is his last period class while Nicole turns on her heels

Nicole chuckles slightly at the blue-eyed boy in front of her.

"Babe, you look like a hot mess right now." comments Nicole referring to the slightly sweaty and messing haired plus red face that Liam is sporting currently

"I know-I know, but that doesn't matter right now because I have to tell you something." says Liam quickly as he takes Nicole's hand in his

Nicole's eyebrows furrowing together quickly as she is a bit nervous and curious to see what the boy had to tell her.

"You're my mate, Nicole." continues Liam as he looks directly into her eyes

"What?" questions Nicole moving away from Liam a little bit as she is very confused

Nicole thought mates were just a myth but either Liam is on drugs which is why he is saying this or she's wrong.

"I-I know this sounds crazy, but-but lately things have been going crazy with my werewolf senses that mainly revolve around you. I-I talked to Stiles and Scott...well they uh, said that we are mates. Which sort of explains it. I know you're humans so you can't really feel what I feel. I...uh, I feel your emotions, lately I can sniff you out even when I shouldn't be able to, and well you know how I get on the full moons. I know this scary and weird since we are only sixteen, but I love you Nicole and I'm glad you are my mate. There is no one I would rather it be. So please don't leave me or dump me over this. We'll figure-" starts to ramble Liam until Nicole cuts him off by placing a kiss on his lips

Nicole deepens the kiss slightly by using her free hand to cup the back of Liam's neck, Liam's hand moves to rest on her hip.

Nicole pulls back with a soft smile on her face.

"Babe, I'm not going to leave you." Nicole says with a shake of her red hair

"You-You aren't?" gets out Liam nervously and a tad sheepishly

"No, babe, I'm not. I love you and sure this is a little scary, but we'll figure this out together." responds Nicole giving Liam's hand a squeeze

Liam smiles softly at Nicole's response feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off of his shoulder. He isn't going to lose her.

"Gosh, I love you." says Liam softly as he leans his forehead against Nicole's, staring into her bright green eyes

Nicole chuckles slightly at Liam.

"Well, I would hope so or this would make this whole mate thing quite awkward." Nicole comments and this time it was Liam's time to laugh

"You're such a dork." laughs out Liam

"Yeah, but I'm a dork who loves you to the moon and back." Nicole says with a smile

Liam beams at Nicole before he presses his lips to hers until Derek's loud booming voice yelling at Stiles ruins the cute moment.

"What the hell do you mean that Nicole and Liam are frickin' mates?" yells Derek making the couple move apart

"Wait that means that they.....I'm going to rip his throat out with my teeth!" growls Derek making Liam gulp

"We should go." Nicole whispers softly as fear radiates off of Liam

"Good idea." says Liam before the two of them run off leaving a screaming Derek to be Stiles's problem

After the Originals ends soon all the supernatural themed shows I love are all going to be over except for Supernatural. I'm so sad :(

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