14⚜️Stiles Stilinski

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"Crap." says Scott as he sees you as they turn the corner at the hospital

I forgot this is her shift. Thinks Scott referring to the fact you volunteer at the hospital

You stand there kissing some tall blonde haired dude. Luckily Stiles hasn't spotted you yet.

"What?" asks Stiles confused on why his best friend would suddenly say that

Stiles starts to turn to see what the alpha is looking at until,  Scott placing a hand on Stiles's shoulder stops him.

"Stiles, just don't turn around." pleads Scott knowing the sight would only upset the brown haired boy

You are Stiles's ex-girlfriend, the girl Stiles is also still in love with, even though he ended things with you. You didn't know about the supernatural and Stiles didn't want you to know. Scared you would get hurt or even worse so he ended things with you. It broke Stiles's heart to do so but he knew it was for the best. It still didn't make the though of you with someone else easier.

Stiles being Stiles was too curious to listen to his best friend's warning since he turned and immediately his eyes found you. Stiles's heart shatters more as he sees you. You seem perfectly happy as you kiss the blonde haired boy. What hurt even more was this scene right here was something that you and Stiles always do. Stiles would show up at the hospital right after your shift and one thing would lead to another then the two of you end up making in the hospital's hall until Melissa threw the two of you out.

Stiles gulps as he cannot seem to tear his eyes off of the two of you as he struggles to hold in his tears.

"Stiles?" says Scott worriedly

Stiles finally manages to snap out of his daze as he turns back to his best friend.

"We, uh, we should go." says Stiles softly

Scott and Loam look at each other before Scott finally nods.

"You okay?" asks Scott as the three heads away from you, who didn't even notice the trio

"Yeah, fine." gets out Stiles though the pain in his chest tells him he isn't

I shouldn't have let her go.


Okay so this for anyone who is into SKAM. What do you guys think about the reboots? I personally am not a big fan of the Austin version. Idk, I feel like the guys aren't very cute, I don't like the dance team plot. Penetrator will always be my favorite playboy.
The only thing I find refreshing is that it's not exactly the same show as SKAM Norway like the French one is. Still though my personal favorite of the reboots is the French one. None of them are as good as the Norway one though. If you guys did watch the reboots, which one is your favorite? I'm really hopping that the UK will air one because I hate reading captions and plus British accents are amazing.

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