15⚜️Isaac Lahey (Requested)

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Requested by LouieJay240217

Isaac nestles closer to Lou who he is currently cuddling with, in her bed

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Isaac nestles closer to Lou who he is currently cuddling with, in her bed. The two of them fast asleep.

Lou and Isaac have been dating for two months unbeknownst to her brother, Scott. The two of them decided to hide it from the dark-haired Alpha mainly because Lou and Isaac didn't know how Scott would react to it.

Isaac didn't want his best friend plus Alpha to be angry at him nor did Lou want to fight with her brother. The two of them never really had an issue with the other liking one of their friends. Up until lately, Stiles was Scott's only friend really and Lou was interested in him. Scott never liked one of Lou's so the issue hadn't really been brought up. Until now.

Lou and Isaac are awoken by sounds of cameras taking pictures and of laughter. Lou lets out a groan along with Isaac.

"Shut up." mumbles Lou as she tries to drift off back to sleep

"Aww, she's drooling." says a familiar voice that makes both Isaac and Lou jolt up

Lou and Isaac look at the doorway with stunned expression to see Stiles and Scott side by side with their phones out obviously taking pictures of the two of you.

Isaac quickly jumps out of bed slightly worried about Scott killing him for being in bed with his sister still to sleepy to really process what's going on all. All he knows is that Scott just found him in bed with Lou.

"This isn't what it looks like." Lou stumbles out who's brain is too foggy from sleep to totally process this whole situation

Stiles snickers as a smirk on Scott's face when he decides to mess with the two.

"Oh then what is this?" asks Scott while he crosses his arms over his chest trying to look mad

"I....uh, Lou and I were cold.,..there was only one clean blanket so we-we decided to share it." answers Isaac nervously with Lou nodding along in agreement

"Really? You two were both cold....in California in the middle of spring?" questions Scott as both Stiles and he try to hold in laughs

"Yeah?" gets out Lou before the fog finally seems to clear from both Isaac and Lou's heads

"Or is because the two of you are dating?" adds Scott with a knowing smirk making both Isaac and Lou's eyes widen

"You-you know?" spits out Isaac surprised as Lou looks at her brother with her green eyes filled with confusion

"Yeah, I know and guys, I'm not mad. Isaac if you make my sister happy then we are good. You break her heart though I will break your face." says Scott finishing the last sentence with a stern look

"And then I will run you over with my Jeep." adds Stiles with a head nod

"Okay, that's-that's fair." says Isaac with a chuckle as he sits back down on Lou's bed

"I just have one question, how did you know?" asks Lou with confusion and a raised brow

"I have Derek...babysit you and mom sometimes when I can't be with you for a sort of long period of time." admits Scott sheepishly

"You have Derek spy on me?!" Lou says a tad angrily

"We better run before she gives us a lecture." says Stiles looking at Scott who nods before the two of them run out of the room

I'm so going to yell at him for that later. thinks Lou before Isaac laughing interrupts her thoughts.

"What's so funny?" asks Lou with a raised brow

"It's just that we were so worried about Scott freaking out and it turns out he's totally cool with it, it's sorta funny." answers Isaac making Lou think

"Yeah, I guess it is." responds Lou with a small chuckle that makes Isaac smiles before he takes her hand in his

"I really like you, Lou." says Isaac moving his head to be closer to hers

A huge grin forming on Lou's face at Isaac's statement.

"I really like too, scarf boy." replies Lou before she crashes her lips onto Isaac's

"Hey! I never said I was okay with you two doing that!"

I wish Isaac had a return in season 6B but I know Daniel was busy doing his new project but I still wish that he was there.

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