46⚜️Stiles Stilinski

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Stiles Stilisnki looks quite anxious as he heads into the first jewelry store with Scott that day

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Stiles Stilisnki looks quite anxious as he heads into the first jewelry store with Scott that day.

"What if this isn't a good idea? Do you think she'll say no?" Stiles asks jittering around since he is nervous slash worried about if you will say yes or not

It was a few days after Stiles and you had graduated together from the FBI internship slash training program like you both had dreamed about since you were little kids playing detective. Stiles has been thinking about asking you to marry him for a few months now but knew he wanted to wait until after the two of you graduated and now that the two of you have, Stiles is ready to ask you so he asked Scott, his best friend, to help him pick out the perfect ring and to be there for emotional support.

"Dude, Y/N loves you like a lot, you guys are the perfect couple. I definitely think she'll say yes." reassures Scott trying to assure him it's a good idea as he offers the Stilinski boy a caring smile

Okay, Scott's right, Y/N loves you, she'll say yes. You got this. You just need to man your ass up and ask her. Stiles thinks who then lets out a nervous puff of air before strutting up to salesman to ask him about buying a beautiful wedding ring and after many hours of looking, going to different stores he finally found the perfect one

It was now a week later and Stiles is currently having to force himself not to pace around as he stands in his room waiting for you to show up as he holds the black velvet box in his hand.
Stiles even had already asked your parents for their daughter's hand in marriage both agreed since they love Stiles dearly. They thought of him as family since he had basically grown up with them.

Behind Stiles on his famous stolen police board, he had used red string to make a message of marry me with a question mark which he thought was cute. The two of you had spent many nights in this room with this board trying to figure out the answer to numerous how to save Beacon Hills questions. So Stiles thought this marriage proposal is very unique and totally not cheesy of him.

Calm down, Stiles. She'll say yes, she loves you. Be cool, be cool. Stiles thinks as he hears your footsteps coming up the stairs that match the pounding of his heart

"Hey, Sti...Why are you so dressed up?" You ask puzzled since you didn't think you guys weren't doing any other then maybe watch some movies since Stiles invited you over to "just hang out" when you spot him, before you notice the board behind him that makes your eyes widen and your jaw drop

"Because tonight-" Stiles starts after his eyes dart around the room nervously before he inhales a deep breath before letting it out shakily and nervously takes one of your hands in his while moving closer to you

"Is a very special night." Stiles finishes getting down on one knee looking into your eyes which is when suddenly all he can think about is how pretty you are plus how about much he is in love with you

"Stiles.," You breath out as your hand goes to your mouth in shock as he pulls out the beautiful diamond ring he had bought that was absolutely stunning and exactly how you had pictured your wedding ring to look like

Your eyes already start to pool with happy tears.

"Y/N, we have been together for a very, very long time now and we love each other so very deeply. And I couldn't imagine asking anyone else in the whole entire universe to be my wife. I only want to grow old with you. I only want you to be the mother of my children. I only want to be with you for the rest of my hopefully long life. I love you so much, Y/N. I love every single thing about you. I have been in love you since we played detective in your basement when we were five. So what do you say? Will you make me the happiest FBI agent in the whole world and marry me, Y/N?" says Stiles as tears of happiness flow down your face while Stiles's own eyes are filled with tears

"Yes, yes, of course, I will marry you!" You exclaim softly making Stiles grin as he slides the beautiful diamond ring onto your finger

Stiles smiles as he stands up kissing you passionately as he happily cups your face softly in his hands.

"I love you." You state grinning as the two of you pull apart looking into each other's eyes with so, so much love

"I love you too...so much." replies Stiles beaming before he crashes his lips back to yours

I'm currently on fall break, so sorry I'm not that active with responding to comments or DMs this week. I promise I'll get back to you next week.

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