29⚜️ Stiles Stilinski

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"No, no!" yells Stiles as he heaves unable to get up due to his broke leg after getting thrown into a wall

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"No, no!" yells Stiles as he heaves unable to get up due to his broke leg after getting thrown into a wall

You lay on the ground, blood covering your clothes and matted deeply in your hair. Unaware of the Oni heading your way, his sword ready to swing.

"Y/N!" yells Stiles trying to warn you of the danger

Your head moves to look at Stiles as the Oni gets closer with you oblivious of it.

"Run! Oni!" yells Stiles with desperation in his eyes

You turn your head not in time to save yourself as the Oni starts to press the sword into your chest.

"I love you." You say softly with wide eyes from the pain looking at the Stilinski boy for the last time

"I love you too." says Stiles through his sobs before the Oni pierces it through your heart killing your instantly

"No, no, Y/N." whimpers out Stiles sadly feeling broken hearted like as if the sword had pierced through him

I lost her, I just lost the love of my love forever.


Stiles Stilinski will always be iconic and one of the best tv characters in history. Nobody can ever be as good at sarcasm as him. Also sorry this is so short.

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