16⚜️Theo Raeken

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Theo sits next to Stiles as he drives his powder blue Jeep, who is currently stopped at a red light

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Theo sits next to Stiles as he drives his powder blue Jeep, who is currently stopped at a red light.

This is so boring. Thinks Theo as Stiles continues to ramble on about how Stiles is going to kill him before he decides to look out the passenger window

A car pulls up next to them illuminating Theo's face, but that's not make Theo's eyes widen. There you sit in the driver sit looking as beautiful as always.

"It can't be." says Theo out loud as he stares at you in shocked

Stiles head turns to see what Theo could possibly be staring at but before Stiles could spot you, you drive off with noticing the the staring boys next to you.

That can't be, I saw her die. Thinks Theo as he tries to process what he just saw

Theo was the one who found you out in the woods that heartbreaking night. He heard you were missing so he tracked your scent. You weren't just someone to Theo, you were everything to him. You were the only person Theo has ever truly loved. So when he found you, your body was covered in blood. Scratches covered you body and a bite mark on you. Theo broke as he realized you were dead. He sobs as he held you, his girlfriend, in his arms.

Theo couldn't stop thinking about last night. He knew it was impossible but he still couldn't help himself. Theo asked around trying to find out if there was any chance you could be alive. Which is how Theo ended up in front of a house standing on the porch at a house where someone he showed a picture of you said you live.

Okay, you can do this Theo. Thinks Theo letting out a shaky breath before he rings the doorbell

A few seconds later the door opens to reveal a smiling you. Time seems to freeze as Theo stares at you. His heart pounding st he does.

This can't be real. Thinks Theo, but it had to be you are here

"Y/N." breathes out Theo before he quickly tackles you into a hug

You fall to the ground from the sudden weight as Theo continues to hug you.

"I missed you." mumbles Theo as a few tears fall down his face

You run your fingers through Theo's hair knowing that always seemed to soothe him and it works.

"How-how is this possible? I'm the one who found you, and you were....you were dead."'asks Theo softly as he hugs you tighter

"I-I was turned into a vampire, Theo." You answer softly

Theo looks up into your eyes making sure you aren't joking. You search his eyes scared of his reaction. Scared he would think you are a monster.

"I still love you. I don't care what you are as long as you are with me." says Theo as he looks at you

"I still love you too, Theo." You confess with a small grin

A smile overtakes Theo's face before he quickly presses his lips to yours.

Theo finally felt not so alone now that he has found you, he feels complete.

She's my everything.


I can't wait for All American to come out this fall. The main reason I want to watch it is because Cody is in it and he looks sooo good in a football uniform btw. The actual plot of the show doesn't seem half bad but sports centered shows aren't usually really my thing though I have a good feeling about this one. I'm just so excited to see Cody in something new. Are you guys interested in watching All American? I feel like every comment I see about the show is people just watching for Cody. Also Danielle Campbell is going to be in it!

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