49⚜️Jackson Whittemore

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Jackson's eyebrows scrunch in confusion as you, his best friend, sits down next to Scott at lunch

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Jackson's eyebrows scrunch in confusion as you, his best friend, sits down next to Scott at lunch.

Why the hell is Y/N sitting next to McCall?  Why isn't Y/N sitting next to me like she always does? Thinks Jackson with slight jealousy not that he would ever admit that as his eyes are locked on you while you start to converse with Scott

You don't notice Jackson's staring slash glaring as you are too busy focused on Scott.

How come I haven't noticed how cute he is before? You think smiling as you continue to flirt with Scott McCall while a jealous Jackson grows more envious by the second

What am I feeling this way? Why am I reacting this way to Y/N flirting with McCall? Thinks Jackson with slightly confused but those thoughts quickly change into more jealous thoughts of how to kill Scott when you place your hand on Scott's

You sit at your desk attempting to study for your upcoming geometry test while Jackson lays on your bed nearby twirling his lacrosse stick around.

"Y/N, I'm bored." whines Jackson for the fifth time in the last ten minutes, wanting your attention 

"Too bad, I can't fail this test." You state seriously as you roll your eyes due to the boy currently on your bed

"Please Y/N, you are smart, you'll pass actually you will probably get an A." replies Jackson causing your eyes to widen before you swiftly twirl your seat around

"Are you feeling okay?" You ask with a fifty percent seriousness and fifty percent worry

"Yeah, I'm totally fine...Why are you making it a big deal?" replies Jackson giving you a confused look as he finally stops twirling his lacrosse stick

"You just complimented me like actually complimented me and without also complimenting yourself. You have down that like twice before. Once when we were eleven years old, when I broke my leg, and the second time was when Benjamin dumped." You state with a raised brow and slightly surprise also in your eyes

"Yeah...well, I just felt like it." says Jackson with a shrug and moving his eyes to look away from yours

You shuffle off of your chair your thoughts of studying disappearing now focused on Jackson. You then swiftly sit down next to Jackson on your bed.

"What's going on?" You ask seriously while Jackson sets his lacrosse stick down

"Nothing is going on." replies Jackson with a small grunt as his eyes continue to avoid yours

"Yes, there is." You reply while looking at Jackson determined to figure out what is going on

"But I know you won't tell me until you want to talk. So just so you know I'm always here if you need me." You add softly as Jackson's eyes look into yours finally

Jackson opens his arms silently asking you for a hug. You give him a soft smile before you curl up to the blue-eyed boy letting him wrap his arms around you

Jackson looks down at you with a smile five minutes later to see you sound asleep.

I think....I might be in love with Y/N. Thinks Jackson before he press a soft, sweet kiss to your forehead

I'm in love with my best friend.


I forever wishing we got to see more of Jackson Whittemore and that we got to see him get the character development he deserved.

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