67⚜️Liam and Scott

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"Liam, what's the emergency

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"Liam, what's the emergency." asks Scott with a slight pant as he had just ran at full speed to get here from the boy's locker room

"I know, Scott." states Liam with his back facing Scott while he tries to keep his voice steady

"You know what, Liam?" questions Scott confused with scrunched up brows through you could detect some worry in his voice

"The part that hurts the most is that you, my Alpha, didn't even tell me, that you were trying to hide it from me that you knew what you were doing was, and that I had to find out through Lydia." responds Liam not answering Scott's question

"Liam, buddy, what are you talking about?" asks Scott, though Liam can sense the nervousness coming off of him in waves

The Dunbar boy then turns to Scott sadness, anger, and betray all swirling in his bright blue eyes.

"I know you asked out Y/N." states Liam roughly

Scott's head drops immediately feeling the guilt that had been brewing in his stomach for a week now surface to the top.

"I'm....I'm-" starts Scott seriously

"What? You're sorry? Scott, you knew how I felt about Y/N! I told you that I had fallen in love with her! She's one of my best friends and you are the one that told me not to tell her how I feel. That it's not worth risking my friendship with her! Y/N's my anchor Scott. You knew that too! You knew all of this then and you ask her out?" interrupts Liam with a slightly raised voice seeping with pain

"Liam, I-I'm not sure what to say." admits Scott softly

"How about I'm sorry for convincing you to not ask the girl you're in love with because I wanted her? Or how about, sorry Liam for being the biggest dick in the world? Or let's see....how about sorry for backstabbing you in the back and asking out Y/N, the love of your life?" retorts Liam even though his words seemed sarcastic there was more pain than sarcasm in his tone

"It wasn't like that, I didn't even like her back when I told you that...but things changed. I like Y/N, Liam, I really like her. I can't help who I have feelings for." says Scott while looking up at his beta

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you "can't help" asking them out." replies Liam giving Scott one last glance before he turns around and heads to leave

"Liam, I'm sorry." apologizes Scott with a sad, slightly guilty look knowing that he had just lost his Beta's trust

"Sorry isn't going to cut it Scott." says Liam softly before he heads out the door

Scott may have lost his trust but Liam lost his Alpha and his anchor. Liam seemingly lost two of the most important people in his life. He isn't sure what to do now.

Why did Scott have to fall for her too?

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